Page 51 of Kyle
She dances along, and warmth spreads through my chest. This girl is a perfect catch. I bite my cheek.Focus.I tamp down those feelings and tell myself for the thousandth time,she’s yourbrother’s girlfriend. She’s off limits. But damn, does being with her feel right.
We roll into the festival grounds around four and observe a sea of tents and cars. I flash the permit they sent me in the mail and drive through, looking for my spot amongst the other venders.
“There’s twenty-eight.” Sutton points to an open area with a yard sign labeling it.
After parking, we climb from the vehicle.
“Hey, why don’t you go check things out, and I’ll get everything prepped for tonight?” I suggest.
“Are you sure?” she asks, already walking backward away from me.
I grin, because she’s obviously taking me up on it. “I’m sure.”
“Thanks, boss man,” she calls over her shoulder and takes off for a booth selling jewelry nearby.
I could tell she wanted to check out the vendors, but that’s not the real reason I told her to go. After being stuck in the same car for the last six hours, I need some time away from her. I need to distance myself so I can get my head screwed on straight.She’s taken, Kyle. She’s your brother’s girl.
I repeat the mantra over and over in my head as I prep the ingredients I need for tonight’s dinner rush.
I almost have myself convinced I have no feelings for her when she walks in, carrying a small bag.
“Already spending money?” I chide.
“Just a necklace I liked.”
I nod and go back to chopping.
A few moments later, she slides next to me. “What’s on the menu?”
My eyes are drawn to the necklace now dangling around her throat. It consists of two gold chains, one at a regular length and the other dipping low, right to the top of her cleavage, wherea sage-colored desert glass pendant rests. Her breasts look full, and I ache to touch them. My heart beats a mile a minute as I try to think of the question she just asked.
“Ahem,” I clear my throat. “Is that your new necklace?”
She looks down. “Yeah. Do you like it?”
“It’s nice.”
“So… is the menu a secret?”
“What? No.”Thatwas her question. “We’re going to make all the hits—cheeseburgers, onion rings, chicken chili, and cornbread.”
“Great, I’ll go write it on the chalkboard.”
The first night we have quite a crowd. I rack in as much money as I do in a week in San Jose. Sutton handles the customers like a pro, so I can focus on cranking out the food. We work together like a well-oiled machine. I can’t help but wonder if we would work this well in other ways.
“Ready to head out?” Kyle asks as I apply some lip gloss.
“So ready. I can’t wait to hear some music.” I shimmy my hips and giggle.
Kyle extends his hand to help me from the RV. It feels good to be in the fresh air, away from the food truck.
We pass several other vendors, noting what the competition is selling and pointing at their menu items. We make our way to the closest of five stages.
Kyle grabs us a couple of beers, and we weave through the crowd until we’re only a few rows of people back from the stage.