Page 78 of Kyle
When I pull in the drive, my mother’s car is parked at the curb, and she’s sitting on my porch steps.
I’m really not in the mood to talk. I know Mom’s been worried about me. She calls me often. But I just want to go to bed.
As I approach, she stands.
“Hey, Ma.” I kiss her cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“You could have just called.” I troop up the stairs, exhaustion weighing me down like my boots are made of lead. Unlocking my door, I let her in ahead of me.
“I wanted to see you. You missed family dinner the other night.”
Family dinner. Every Tuesday night. I’ve missed more than one.
“Sorry. I guess it slipped my mind.” I toss my keys on the counter. “You want a beer or something?”
“No, thanks. Can we sit?”
I grab a longneck and join her at the table.
“Did you go to Santa Cruz again?” she asks.
I nod.
“No luck?”
“No luck. I don’t think I truly expect to find her anymore. But I feel close to her there, and I need that right now.”
She reaches across the table and sets her palm on my forearm. “You need something new to focus on.”
“I don’t feel it, Ma. I have no interest in anything.”
“You have to build the life you’d build if she were here. Maybe the universe will bring her to you.”
“The universe, huh? Sure, let’s try that,” I say sarcastically.
“Have you decided what you want to do with that money you received?”
I shake my head. I haven’t touched it. I haven’t wanted to do anything with it until I could share the news with Sutton, and I stubbornly don’t want to give up on that.
“There’s a vacant place in San Pedro Square. It’s small, but there’s a little outdoor patio. I think it would make a wonderful place for your restaurant.”
“San Pedro Square? That’s got to be a fortune.”
“Cole knows the owner of the building. He made a call for you.”
“Ma, you shouldn’t have asked him to do that.”
“I didn’t. Your father did.”
“Dad? Why?”
“Because he loves you. He got word the guy was looking for a new tenant. The last guy’s place went under last month and had to close the doors. Cole got his price down a good bit.”
“I don’t know.”
“It already has a full kitchen. You’d just have to change the signage and paint. Maybe some new tables and chairs. You know, make it your own.”