Page 32 of The Bratva's Bounty
Taking in a deep breath, I dismissed him with a small smile and a shake of my head. "Thinking about the past when I shouldn't, but I'm not anymore," I assured him with a half-convincing smile. "Also, just thinking about what you said about taking control outside of our private lives." My smile faltered a little
Lev urged my full attention with a firm stroke of my jaw and grasp of my chin. "If it really makes you that uncomfortable, or if you're not fine with it, then we don't have to," he told me with an understanding smile. "I'm fine letting you be in charge of it all… Just…" His eyes averted from me. "You'll have to be a little patient with me…" Lev shifted uncomfortably in his seat with a wary frown.
Chuckling softly, I reached out and traced the edge of the collar adorning his neck, running the tip of my finger against his neck. "I gotta say, I'm surprised you have a submissive side to you." His softening eyes hardened a bit with inner turmoil. "Nothing wrong with that, though. I think it's admirable of you to show your belly to someone."
Leaning up, I kissed his forehead. "Don't worry, I'll take it slow and easy, and I'm not some sadistic Dominant." I mean, not gonna lie, the thought of having Lev bend over for a whipping got my body a little hot and bothered. But still, I got off more on the power and control aspect of it all.
"Now, be a good boy and go get me another drink," I commanded with a hint of playfulness.
Rolling his eyes, Lev kissed my cheek before getting up and going to the counter to order.
He was so good to me, which made me feel a little bad for what I had planned. I mean, on the upside, I'd get to drive his sweet Bugatti La Voiture Noire. Lev wasn't gonna be happy with the aftermath of my little plan, but it was harmless fun… mostly.
"Nicole, if you don't stop brake-checking me, I'm going to hit you." Lev's voice grumbled through my earpiece as I continued to lead him around the road on my motorcycle.
"Sorry, I'm just a little jittery from yesterday," I lied smoothly, smirking behind my helmet as I continued to tap away at the small screen between my handles. "So, what do you want to do when we get back to my place?" I stalledwith a stupid question, needing to buy myself some more time to successfully hack his car.
"Zhizn moya, I'm here. You've got nothing to worry about," he assured me confidently, and no doubt he had a smile to match plastered on his face. "Are we getting close to your place?"
I purposely drove at the slowest speed possible to keep on stalling. With just a few more taps, his whole system would be at my whims. "Almost ish," I lied again.
The insistent blinking on my screen ceased with one final tap, causing me to break into a huge, victorious smile. Gritting my teeth, I held back my mischievous snicker as I sent the command to slow down and stop to Lev's car.
Blurring trees slowly came into focus as my vehicle came to a stop with Lev's car. Then, the sweet sounds of Lev's irritation and confusion filled my ears. Every spat of his infused my steps with an energetic pep as I went over to the driver-side door with a mad grin behind my helmet.
It took so much effort to wipe the cocky grin off my face, but I had to act innocent to give Lev the slip. So, begrudgingly, I wiped my face clean, painting on a confused and concerned expression before removing my helmet.
I wanted to smack Lev over the head when he threw the door open, nearly hitting me. The near miss wasn't why I wanted to whack him. It was how rough he handled the precious car. "Ã?i ca, what's wrong?" I asked in an overly sweetened voice, nearly cringing at how fake I sounded; I was afraid that I gave myself away with how off I seemed.
Huffing, Lev cussed under his breath while running a very frustrated hand through his hair. "I don't know, the car just stopped, and it won't respond or anything," he grumbled with a soft scowl.
Patting his arm to urge him out of the way, I lightly shoved his reluctant body when he dug his heels in a bit. "It's probably just a technical issue or something. Let me take a look." I lightly shoved him away from the car to give myself some more distance.
Climbing into the car with a smile, I shut and locked the doors before pulling my phone out to disable the system lock. Flashing Lev a grin, I flipped him off before flooring the pedalwith an unhinged laugh filled with excitement.
Busting a U-turn, I rolled the window down as I passed a stunned Lev. "Thanks for the new car, babe!" My laughter echoed with the roar of the car as I sped down the road.
Humming to myself, I happily drove to the sweet hums and vibrations of the car, along with Lev's voice through my earpiece. I didn't reply to him, though, no matter how much he commanded me to turn around and pick him up, or else I would regret it later when he got his hands on me.
"Now, now, don't threaten me with a good time, little lion. I might just let you bend me over for a good spanking before I bend you over and turn your ass just as red," I teased back, laughing arrogantly to try and rile him up some.
"Ty, malen'kaya shalun'ya, ya sobirayus'." Lev's shout of frustration echoed through my ear, along with a string of Russian. "Nicole! I swear, if I have to walk home in the rain, I'm going to fuck you until you drench yourself from head to toe in your own juices from squirting so much." As if that was a punishment.
"See you at home later,d?i ca."
Chapter 17
"Achoo!" My aching bodyjerked violently with my painful sneeze.
"Bud' zdorov." Stepan chuckled in response, side-eyeing me smugly. "Feeling under the weather because of a girl?"
Slumping into the couch, I bundled the blanket around myself tighter before flipping Stepan off.
"Stepan, you're the last of us to talk." Nikolai chided in an almost flat voice as he entered the living room with a tray of stuff. "Or need I remind you of how you nearly broke your ankle and ended up in a boot a few weeks ago, along with a bad cold, after you let Hanna hunt your masochistic ass through the forest at 3 AM?"
Scoffing in disbelief, Stepan sputtered a denial out, only to have Nikolai deadpan him. "That—! How the hell did you even know about that!?" Stepan huffed with a red face, his arms crossing as he shrunk a little.