Page 69 of The Bratva's Bounty
"You and me both." Nicole's breathy moan barely made it through the pounding in my ears. "I've never been so stuffed before," she strained out between her heavy breaths.
My hands never left her hips as her pace picked up slowly. Hanging onto her was more for comfort and ease of mind the more lost I became to the endless waves of pleasure crashing against my body.
"Shit!" I strained a groan through gritted teeth at the feeling of her cunt squeezing the life out of my cock. "Fuck,zhizn moya, if you—shit!" It wasn't even a second before I felt her squeeze me again with her next orgasm when she bottomed out on me.
"Sorry, too good, can't help it," she moaned happily as her hips jerked out of rhythm.
"Empress, if you don't stop coming, you're going to make me lose it." I could only take so much more before I completely lost it.
It was already taking so much out of me not to bust my load and paint her insides with my cum. God, she'd probably get out everything so easily with how filled she was with the added dildo.
Unfortunately,Nicole had other ideas.
The only warning I got to brace myself was the feeling of Nicole pressing my legs toward my chest more before the hard thrusts literally slammed into me, knocking my breath away for a split second. I didn't even get a chance to warn her about my release—it just came.
Immense pleasure consumed me like a raging inferno when my climax hit. Whatever shred of sanity and clarity I had burned away as I let myself be used by Nicole. It was so much. I could feel myself become overly stimulated to where my emotions went haywire. My body and mind didn't know how to begin processing all the stimulation that wrecked me all at once.
A painful ache tightened at my sobbing body following a second release that slammed into me out of nowhere like some derailed train. "Nicole! I can't!" I barely recognized my own voice because of how vulnerable and broken I sounded. "It's too much… I can't—"
Nicole shut me up with a deep and adoring kiss as her hips slowed to a stop. "Shh, breathe. It's okay. You are okay." Her soft voice was so loud to my sensitive ears.
Pulling out and off of me completely, she laid down on the couch next to me and held me tenderly. Nuzzling my head into her face, she stroked the back of my head with her dexterous fingers. "You did so well, so fucking good." Her lips soothed my forehead with kisses as she continued to speak, "I am so proud of you for being able to take all of that. You have no idea. Then, to fill me twice, I can't thank you enough, my good little lion."
I was a silent and tearful mess for a long while before I could recollect myself enough to fully process the life-changing sex we had. Somewhat shell-shocked still, I tried to voice my thoughts in hopes of easing the tension that threatened to snap in me, "That was…" I was at a loss for words.
Flashing an understanding smile, Nicole brushed her thumb against the seam of my lips. "Intense? Overwhelming? Shocking? A lot?" She offered some options with softening eyes. "It's okay. It was a lot, so just take your time to process it." Kissing my nose, her face brightens with a widening smile. "Don't force yourself to dance if you're not ready. I will be here, waiting and ready."
Anappreciative spark warmed my body as I looked at my empress in awe. Just how on earth did I end up with an amazing woman like her? How patient Nicole was with me and our whole relationship would never cease to amaze me. Honestly, she was a saint in her own twisted way.
"Thank you." It was all I could manage out as I held her back and eased myself into her presence.
Playing with my hair, she hummed softly in response. "You don't have to thank me for anything, my little lion. I'm only giving you all the attention and love you've always deserved."
Cracking a quick smile, I leaned up and kissed her chastely. "I love you, Nicole, so much." I knew those three words would never be enough to fully express the never-ending devotion and intimacy I felt for her from the depths of my soul.
Pressing her own smile against my lips, she whispered, "I love you too, Lev, so much that my heart explodes with happiness with just the thought of you." Kissing me deeply, she let her hands cup my face.
Breaking the kiss, Nicole sucked in a deep breath as she kept her forehead against mine. Slowly, her eyes twinkled with curiosity as they trailed off to the side a little bit.
An involuntary shudder shook my body when Nicole pressed her fingertip against the top of my facial scar and traced it down my face. "How did you get this scar exactly?" she asked tentatively, her wary eyes searching mine for a response.
Placing my hand over hers, I held it against my face for a moment before my mouth moved. "The short answer, my father." I dryly chuckled at the sight of her flat glare. "But you want the full story, I know."
Before more words could come out, Nicole's finger shushed me. "Let me get you cleaned up and fed a little before you start," she told me with a soft kiss, slipping away from me for a moment before returning with an armful of water bottles, snacks, and washcloths.
Sitting next to me, she sits me up a little and makes me hydrate myself before leaning me back against the couch. "Go ahead and tell me while I getyou cleaned up," she urged me with a warm smile before the slight chill of the washcloth touched my body.
Taking a deep breath, I reached out and played with a strand of her hair to help keep me distracted enough so that I wouldn't slip into some angry haze. "It was about ten years ago when I was around twenty-five or so," I started, pausing for a second as I felt a slow burn nag my chest. "I was at home with my mother that day because I was too injured from an assignment the night before to go to work."
Everything around me slowly faded back to the day the further I dove into the story. "My mother babied me the whole day, fretting over me and making me eat and drink her concoctions that she always swore by. Overall, it was a normal day for us." An unconscious smile pulled at my muscles. "We even got to tend to the garden and pick some apples that day to make apple tarts later that night for dessert."
A stinging pressure spread across my face when I let myself get lost in the memory. Nostalgia twisted at my heart, and the darkness of truth snuck in. "I was helping her set the table when my father came through the front door reeking of sex and booze, and I'm pretty sure he was high, too, because of how crazed his eyes were." Tightly shutting my eyes, I tilted my head up at the ceiling, hoping to keep my tears from spilling. "The state he came in was no surprise to any of us, but the aggressiveness in which he went after my mother was unexpected."
Letting go of Nicole's hair, I covered my scar with my hand, pressing hard against it in response to the phantom pain flaring. "There was no warning. He walked up at her while yapping at her, bitching about everything in the world and about us, then he laid his hands on her." Shaking my head, I had to pause for a moment to take some calming breaths. "Usually, we'd be able to see it coming, but there weren't any signs of escalation like all the other times. One second, he was running his mouth, spitting everywhere like a disgusting bastard, and the next, he was throwing my mother across the table."
Though years ago, the sound of the plates and cups shattering by our heads and feet rang so clearly that I could've mistaken it happening right now. The whish and whizz of the wind would hit my face before the sharpshards flew and scratched at my flesh. Feeling the soft brush of air from the air conditioning in the room made me flinch because my mind was pulled back to the day, and I honestly thought it was another plate flying by me.
If it weren't for the sight of Nicole, then I might have let myself be immersed in the flashback. Seeing her strong and beautiful face was the breath of fresh air I needed to drag myself back to the present. "My father eventually approached us and threw me aside to strike my mother with a broken bottle, but I shielded her with my own body in the nick of time."