Page 83 of The Bratva's Bounty
Pulling myself from my head, I wrapped my other arm around his, hugging it tightly. "Alexei, is there what I asked for?" I asked just as the door came into view.
Lev kept a straight face, but his eyes clouded over with some curiosity. "Yeah, though you still haven't told me what you need all that stuff for? Or what your plan is exactly…"
Of course, I wasn't the only one who would find closure today. I might have been the one Igor brutally raped, but Lev was forced to watch helplessly and be taunted throughout the whole thing.
Like me, Lev hasn't been the same since. Besides being physically banged up from the whole kidnapping and rescue, he's been much more paranoid and overly protective. If I thought his over-observant habit was annoying before, then it was outright irksome now. He would walk over every inch of the house and our property whenever time permitted, and if anything was a hair out of place, he'd flip. Every sound made him jump for a gun, even if it was some stupid bug hitting the window.
Then, whenever it came to me, he clung to me like a baby monkey would their mother. As much as I love Lev and his attention, it was way too much. Contrary to that, our sex life has been out of control because we fell into some cycle of constantly needing each other. I needed him to touch me and make me forget about Igor, and Lev needed to prove to me that he still loved me despite everything—it wasn't healthy.
We've been more regulated since therapy, though. We weren't back to baseline by any means, but we were getting there.
Our steps slowed to a stop when we got to the heavy metal door that looked grim and menacing in the dim lighting of the corridor. It was a little scary if I really thought about it. Beyond this thick slab of metal was a demon of a monster.
Placing his hand on the door's handle, Lev gripped it until his knuckles turned white. His head looked down at me for a few seconds to let his eyes search my face for any signs of reconsideration. "Remember, at any time, and I meananytime, you feel uncomfortable or change your mind about facing Igor, you let me know." The seriousness of his tone meant his words were more of a command than a reminder.
Nodding firmly, I took in a slow and controlled breath. "Yes, d?i ca." I knew I needed to push myself, but I also knew that I couldn't go too far into the deep end yet.
Taking a deep breath of his own, Lev squared his shoulders, puffed his chest out, and threw the door open with so much force that it nearly flew off its hinges as it slammed against the wall with a loudboomthat shook the whole room like a damn earthquake.
Igor's tense face twisted into a smug and cruel smirk upon laying his eyes on us. "Come to bring my wife back to me?" His taunt was void of spunk, just like how his eyes were hollow with defeat.
For a stupid man, he was smart enough to know the direness of his situation. He was a dead man, and he knew it. It was only a matter of time now.
Purposely ignoring him, I tutted my chin and turned away to look at Alexei. "Alexei, priapism, what is it again?" I intentionally exaggerated my question and spoke loudly enough to ensure Igor would hear me.
"The short version: an erection that lasts more than four hours, usually painful," Alexei replied casually as he remained sitting in his chair by the table of weapons and other various torture equipment. "Would you like to know more?" Now, he was just playing along with me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lev sneakily cross his legs in a protective manner. If I wasn't trying to maintain a somewhat serious demeanor, then I would've chuckled. With my attention fully on Alexei still, I replied, "Well, I suppose it'd be good to know why an erection that long wouldn't be good." I dragged out a sarcastic sigh as I eyed Igor curiously.
"Well, with that much blood flow to your penis, your body's gonna get less perfusion, but, of course, that's not the main concern with priapism." Smirking cruelly, Alexei held up a bottle of pills, shaking it. "Not only is it really painful, but after a while, with all the blood being pooled there and not going back up, permanent damage can start happening. If left untreated, then a person's penis would slowly die, rot off their body, and the infection doesn't stay localized." Shaking his head, he looked over at Igor with a twisted gleam. "The infection goes to your blood, and sepsis sets in."
It took a few seconds for the realization to pale Igor's face. "Wait, you can't be serious. That's just a stupid and insane idea, banking on me being able to keep it up that long," he stammered nervously, tugging at the restraints that kept him bound to the metal chair.
I had only intended to let out a chuckle, but it came out as an evil laugh that would put an evil queen to shame. "Oh, honey, you make it sound like you're going to have a choice." Reaching out, I caught the bottle of pills after Alexei tossed it to me.
Holding up to Igor's face, I shook the bottle with the label facing him as I held it inches from him. "Recognize these little blue pills? I mean, you should since you probably use them a lot." I sneered mockingly at him. "You know, I thought about stuffing you full of bombs and letting you live in paranoia of not knowing when I'd set them off on a whim, but this just felt a little more fitting after a lot of thought."
"If you think I'm going to drink that, then you're fucking delusion, you crazy bitch," Igor spat back at me with a seething scowl as he continued to struggle.
Tilting my head at him with a smirk, I chuckled. "Again, you make it sound like you're going to have a choice in the matter."
Throwing the bottle back to Alexei, I went over to the table and leaned back against it with my arms crossed. "Do it," I commanded the younger Volkov darkly.
Getting up, he snapped on a pair of gloves and grabbed some tubing off the table. "Oh, with pleasure." His controlled voice broke with a crazed uplift.
Rounding Igor like a predator would its injured prey, Alexei motioned for Lev to come over with a nod of his head. "Hold his head back so I can shove this tube down his nose and throat."
Sneering, Lev smirked darkly as he approached the struggling Igor. "No promises about not breaking his neck in the process." He barked out a short laugh before grabbing Igor's head and forcing it back over the back of the chair.
The next few seconds were filled with Igor's screams of protest and suffering as Alexei shoved the tube down into his body with an unhinged smile that made me question Alexei a little.
I mean, he was the reserved one out of the five of them. Although, it did throw me off a little with how calm and collected he always was. Yeah, Lev and Stepan have told me numerous times that the twins were psychopaths, and with Arseny, I could see, but it was always a little harder to believe with Alexei. Well, at least until now.
I doubt he needed to take a whole ten minutes to put the tube into Igor. Alexei kept pulling back and going forward, only to pull back again because 'it went down the wrong tube' or 'it went out the mouth' or some line of excuses to keep flossing Igor's body with the feeding tube. All the while having a sadistic sparkle in his smiling eyes.
Yeah, note to self: don't fuck with the twins.
Once the tube was in place, Alexei secured it before crushing up the Viagra and pushing it through the tube into Igor's system.