Page 5 of Fire in Stone
“To take,”he corrected.“Clean and quiet. Like I know you can do.”
“What do you want meto take?”
“A statue,” he said, casually flicking his wrist.
“Is it like a piece of art or something?” I didn’t peg Chris as a lover of fine art. However, if the piece had a market value, he’d certainly appreciate it.
“Something like that. The statue is with the traveling menagerie, the one I took you to see in January, remember?”
Memories of the country fair sideshow rushed over me. The striped canvas tents had been filled with fantastic animals that didn’t exist in our world yet looked so real. I’d never seen anything like that either before or after that visit to the fair.
I’d had a few days off at work that week. In a moment of weakness, I’d agreed to let Chris take me to the fair happening nearby. Visiting it had been fun. Having Chris as my travel companion had been more intense than ever. It had reminded me how trapped he’d made me feel.
On the way out of town in a parking lot of a grocery store, I’d spotted the girl who sold tickets for the menagerie. She seemed shy, even skittish when I tried to speak with her. But I imagined she must lead the most exciting life—traveling with the menagerie, never belonging to any place or any man. Free. Just how I longed to be.
I sighed through the echo of all those emotions resonating through my chest. “Yes. I remember.”
Chris shifted closer in his seat.
“So.” Eagerness slipped into his voice. “The menagerie is in Europe now. In Germany. They’re leaving Munich soon. All their stuff will be shipped out in a few days. The statue will be in transit, with minimal security. That’s when it’ll be the best time to get it.”
I shook my head. “I told you, I’m not doing this shit again.”
He took both my hands in his. “Look. It’s just taking a piece of useless rock from one rich asshole and selling it to another. Your moral sensitivities don’t have to be offended here. It’s not like you’re stealing from a museum or some starving orphans.”
“Well, thanks for that.” I rolled my eyes.
“I’m telling you, some rich guy wants this stupid statue that someone else has, and he’s willing to pay good cash for it. It’d be dumb to miss out on a chance like this.”
It was a lot of money. And that would be just my share. Chris must be in to pocket at least as much, maybe more. He wouldn’t tell me the actual number if I asked, but I knew he always looked after his interests first.
“What is so special about this statue? Why does the buyer want it?”
“Fuck if I know. Maybe it’s an ego thing? He wants what he doesn’t have. I don’t care, and you shouldn’t either. As long as he pays when we get him what he wants.”
“We?”I clarified.
Chris faltered, glancing aside.
“Well,you. It’s a one-man job.” He gave me a teasing smile. “A one-womanjob, I should say.”
“So, you wouldn’t be there?”
I hadn’t done anything like that on my own before. My role in Chris’s “business” had been largely a supporting one. I’d mostly helped with the planning of his heists and then with the disposing of whatever he and his thugs had stolen. I was good with forgery and with some aspects of money laundering. I could pick locks like no one’s business. And I’d been a getaway driver on a few occasions. But I’d always worked as part of a team before, never on my own.
“So, where wouldyoube while I’d be doing your dirty work for you?”
“The job is overseas,” he said. “And I… Well, I can’t board a plane for the time being.”
I squinted at him, tilting my head in question.
Wincing under my stare, he rubbed the back of his neck, then scratched the dark stubble on his chin. “It’s a long story. Let’s just say I’ve had some trouble with the police that resulted in out-of-country travel restrictions.Temporarily.”
“I see.”
“I’ll take care of it. I always do. But the timing isn’t the best. But hey…” He perked up. “You’ll do fine on your own, Amber. You’re a pro.”
“Pro at stealing,” I scoffed. “What an accomplishment.”