Page 38 of Hearts on Fire
“You don’t owe thesalamandrasany loyalty.” He remained firm. “They didn’t treat you well. You said it yourself that they removed your hair against your will. For gods’ sake, Amber, Mother had you chained to the perch—”
I tried to ignore the sting in my chest at the reminder of her mistrust.
“She used the simplest of locks,” I said with a laugh and pulled a hairpin from my hair. “I could’ve unlocked it any time I wished. I hadn’t bothered because I had no need to roam free at night.”
The muscles in his jaw flexed. “That doesn’t change the fact that she chained you like an animal.”
I held back a reply for a moment, waiting for a flare of irritation to subside. In a way, he was right. But he didn’t see the whole picture.
“Mother is scared, Elex. For as long as I’ve known her, she’s been either worried or terrified. Often both. She’s been going through life, balancing on a tightrope, trying to please the king and those in power while also doing her best to keep the women in her charge alive.”
She had failed at that one. I closed my eyes tightly, thinking about Ertee and Isar again. The thoughts of them never stopped hurting.
Not wishing to argue any longer, I went quiet. Stepping aside, I started unraveling my soggy braid.
“I have to wash my hair,” I muttered, changing the subject. “That may take some time, since I’ve never had long hair before.”
“Just give me a minute.” Elex flapped his wings, rising out of the pool. Water sluiced down his body and rushed in a stream back into the pool.
“Where are you going?”
“I’ll be right back.”
Waiting for him to return, I stood in the warm pool, raking my fingers through the dark, steaming water.
Far on the horizon, the brilliant green of the valley blended into the red of the snow poppies that dripped down the mountainside. Black peaks of the mountains framed the valley like long, sharp fangs. One of them stood out by being taller and sitting aside from the rest.
With a flutter of his wings, Elex came back. He brought a few jars with soaps and oils from the caves. His gaze followed mine to the lonely mountain as he landed in the pool next to me.
“That’s the Desolate Peak.” He set down his loot of jars and vials along the edge of the pool at the deeper end.
“Why do they call it that?”
“Probably because it’s standing all on its own.” He shrugged and picked up two of the jars from the ledge. “Here. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to smell like flowers or berries.”
I took a sniff from both.
“Mmm. Both smell wonderful. You choose.” Either flowers or berries would be much better than whatever it was I must be smelling like, after days of sweaty fever and then recovery.
I’d unbraided my hair and now it was floating behind me, the weight of the wet tresses pulling at my roots.
“How do people do it?” I tipped my head back, then sideways, trying to figure out the best way to tame all that heavy mass.
“Let me help.” He stood in the water behind me, then scooped some of the shimmering paste from one of the jars. “How about this one?” He brought his hand under my nose.
The pink paste smelled like honey and cranberries, with a hint of citrus.
“It’s nice.” I nodded.
Gently but firmly, he started massaging it into my scalp.
“Mmm.” I tipped my head back, letting him do whatever he wished with me now.
He lathered and rinsed my hair, the entire length of it.
“Now, take a breath and hold it.” Cradling me with one arm, he pinched my nose with the fingers of the other hand and dipped me under to rinse my hair.
I closed my eyes, gripping his hand, but didn’t panic. He brought me up again, turning me in the water to face him.