Page 115 of Crownless King
“Sparrow is my queen,” Voron announced in a voice so powerful it reached across the entire room, reverberating between the marble walls. “The only queen I’ll ever have.”
Holding his head high, he moved his gaze over the crowd, as if challenging anyone to disagree. No one did. Especially after I’d just brought their king back from near death.
Instead, they bowed to me. Men got down on one knee and ladies sank into curtsies.
“Long live the queen!” rolled through the crowd.
It had been a rocky, winding road that brought me here, but I finally found where I belonged.
* * *
Acrashing noise slammed into the tower from outside. The rumble shook the palace to the roots of thelilialavines.
Alcon paled. “They’re here.”
Farion stepped forward, quickly briefing the king on the defense measures taken. Voron nodded in concentration.
Another explosion shuddered through the palace.
“What is it?” I leaned closer into Voron.
“Magic and cannons make for an explosive combination,” he replied softly, then addressed the room, “Farion and the Council will stay here. The rest of you will go down to the lower floors for safety. And you…” he said softly, turning to me. “Sparrow.” He brushed the side of my face with the back of his fingers, as if needing to touch me to make sure I was still here. As if holding me to him wasn’t enough to convince him I was not just a vision after all. “I’m equally terrified of both keeping you with me despite the danger or letting you out of my sight until the threat is gone.”
He looked torn.
I understood his hesitation perfectly. Now that he was finally here, the last thing I wished was to let him go again. Especially, since there were cannons and deadly magic involved.
But if there was anyone capable of bringing order to Elaros, it was Voron. He’d won wars before. He had inspired people to follow him to victory even before he got his wings or wore the Sky Crown.
I wasn’t a warrior. I had no wings and no weapon I could use. I’d only be in the way if I stayed with him—a distraction, or even worse, a liability.
“I won’t go far.” I promised, squeezing his hand. “I’ll stay out of sight and out of the way, but I’ll be close.”
Dove fluttered to us.
“Allow me, Your Majesty. I’ll take care of your bonded one.” She took my other hand, squeezing it with barely concealed excitement.
I was thrilled to see her again, returning her smile.
“You can trust Dove,” I assured Voron, who looked hesitant. “She’s helped me before.”
“Swear you’ll keep my Sparrow safe for me,” Voron demanded.
Dove jerked up a slim white eyebrow.
“The things the bond does to people,” she muttered, then curtsied to Voron, speaking louder, “Of course, Your Majesty. I promise to keep Sparrow with me in your absence, protect her with my life, and deliver her safely into your own hands when I deem it safe to do so.”
He nodded as the swirl of magic swished around us, raising the old leaves from the floor of the Throne Room and sealing Dove’s promise.
Pulling me into him once more, he gave me one last kiss. “Stay safe.”
“You, too,” I pleaded as Dove tugged me out of the room, following the rest of the courtiers. With the return of the king, the court was buzzing with new hope and energy.
Just outside of the Throne Room, Dove suddenly grabbed me into a hug. I was sure she held back her fae strength, but it still felt like my bones were cracking in her embrace.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” She sniffled. Now that we were alone, she let her emotions show. “We thought you were dead. Where have you been?”
“It’s a long story.” I waved her off, rubbing at my eyes discreetly. Her warm greeting touched me, bringing tears to my eyes. “I promise I’ll tell you everything one day, just not right now.” The noise of battle was too close. The hostile magic hissed just beyond the palace walls. Voron would be going out there soon. “What’s going to happen now? What do you know about High Lord Bussard?”