Page 129 of Crownless King
“You know, when people tell you they love you, it’s customary to reply in a similar fashion.” Did he sound too needy? Too desperate? When it came to her, he felt both.
She giggled softly, turning her head toward him. “Isn’t this proof enough?” She circled the letter V on her skin.
“I want to hear it, too, dear Sparrow. Every day.”
Taking his face in her hands, she pulled him closer.
“I love you, Voron,” she said softly, leaning her forehead against his. “I love you with all my heart.”
The words warmed his chest, spreading like a balm over all his wounds inside.
“My sweet, little bird,” he murmured, climbing over her, his cock hard with need all over again. “We’re never leaving this bed, are we?”
“But we have to.” She laughed. “It’s time to pick up our son.”
* * *
“Ready?” Sparrow glanced up at him, her beloved face peeking out from the white fur trim of her cloak hood like from a snow cloud.
They came to a clearing, hidden so deep in the woods, he would never have found it without her. His son was inside the invisible cabin here. And Voron was about to meet him for the very first time.
How does one prepare for something like that?
“As ready as could be,” he replied.
The door flew open before Sparrow could knock. A hag appeared on the threshold, draped in a gray cloak with the hood drawn low over her face that was ridden with signs of aging.
“There you are,” she said to Sparrow in lieu of greeting, but there was no heat in her words, despite a fist propped on her hip. “I was beginning to wonder what kept you so long. But now I see.” She leveled him with a stare and smirked. “The father dearest.”
A shiver ran over his wings under her glare, shaking out the twigs and pine needles from his feathers.
“Hi Sauria.” Sparrow gave her friend a hug. “Sorry for the delay.”
“Looks like you’ve been busy with some important things out there.” The hag eyed his wings. “A king is whole,” she quoted the prophecy. “I’d bet my precious cauldron this had everything to do with you, girl.”
“In a way.” Sparrow smiled proudly, moving her gaze from her friend to Voron, then back again. He withdrew his wings into his body, a rush of magic spreading along his skin from the gesture.
“Thank you for taking care of my child and my woman.” He bowed deeply to the woman who’d kept the most precious people in his life safe in his absence.
“Aww, he has manners,” the hag cooed, pouting her lips in an almost childish expression. “So, you finally wish to claim what’s yours?”
“Yes. I do.”
“Where is Aithen?” Sparrow asked.
The hag pointed with her thumb back over her shoulder. “Having a snack. The wild blueberries are giving him a hard time, though, rolling away from his little fingers.” There was warmth and familiarity in her voice when she talked about his child. While he, his father, was a complete stranger to his own flesh and blood.
He had so much to catch up on. And he wished to wait no longer.
“I want to see him,” he croaked.
The hag turned to Sparrow for permission, and his mate granted it with a small nod.
“I’ll get him.” The hag slid a measuring glance down his frame. “I’m afraid there is not enough room inside my cabin for those long legs and wide shoulders of yours.”
He shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, suddenly feeling out of place in his own kingdom.
Sparrow dashed into the cabin after Sauria and emerged a few seconds later, holding a baby boy in her arms.