Page 47 of Crownless King
It wasn’t always quick or simple, but one by one, Voron had convinced every single High Lord we visited in the next two weeks to join him. His mix of confidence, power, and detached charisma proved invincible.
As the time passed, he also grew more impatient. Almost everything was ready, and he longed for action. The energy burst from him. He was so close to what he wished for. There remained just one more palace left to visit.
“High Lord Pelargos,” Voron said the name of the man we were about to see.
Like most of the trip, I traveled in the carriage, and Voron rode horseback. I leaned out of the open window, resting my folded arms on the frame, and he kept his horse close enough for us to talk.
Several of his men, including Alcon, soared above us, watching out for any signs of danger in the sky and below. Magnus flew nearby, ducking in and out of the trees on the side of the road to catch bugs and whatever else that bird deemed food.
“Does High Lord Pelargos have a son, too, who will lend you his support despite his father’s vow of loyalty?” I asked.
“No. He has a daughter as far as I recall. But he has only recently taken over the throne of his father, the late High Lord. He hasn’t given any promises to the crown yet. He is expected to show up at Elaros to do so. But I politely asked him to grant me an audience first.”
He grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. This was a game he played well, and he clearly enjoyed it.
We arrived at the palace with enough time before dinner to wash up and get changed. When a servant came with the official invitation for dinner, I grabbed the book on the way out of our rooms.
“Ready?” Voron smiled at me. “This is the last time you have to carry this.” He tipped his chin at the heavy volume in my arms.
“Just when I finally got used to schlepping it around,” I quipped. “You should see my arm muscles.”
He leaned down for a quick kiss just before the doors to the dining room opened.
“I’m looking forward to seeing your arm muscles tonight, as well as everything else you’re hiding under that dress,” he murmured in my ear only for me to hear.
My face flushed as I entered the room with him, pressing the book to my chest.
“Lord Voron!” A blond man rushed to greet us. Grabbing Voron’s hand in both of his, he bowed. “It’s an honor to welcome you to my family home.”
“High Lord Pelargos.” Voron inclined his head politely.
The High Lord promptly whisked Voron to the head of the table where he offered him a seat next to a richly dressed, beautiful woman.
“Do you remember my daughter? Lady Lark?” The High Lord asked.
“Of course.” Voron bowed with a smile. “How could I ever forget?”
The lady smiled sweetly in response. “We hardly had a chance to talk the last time I saw you, my lord. I hope to remedy it tonight.”
I put the book on a marble console by the wall. There was no need to guard it. No one could take it. Turning back to the table, I pondered where to sit now that Voron was making new friends. He twisted in his chair, searching the room.
“Sparrow. Come here.” He gestured at the seat on his left as Lady Lark already occupied the one on his right.
Lady Lark gave me a brief nod as I came closer.
“Would you introduce us, please?” She touched Voron’s sleeve to get his attention, then casually let her hand linger on his forearm for far longer than was necessary.
“Lady Sparrow,” he introduced me. “A dear friend of mine.”
A friend.
It was a huge step up from my previous official position as a royal pet. But with Voron, somehow it still didn’t feel enough.
Was I too greedy to wish for more?
What did I really want? Voron proclaiming his undying love to me in front of all these important people? It was ridiculous.
And yet… I wouldn’t mind hearing the words from him, both in public and in private.