Page 58 of Crownless King
“Power and magic to the king.” He bowed his head but did not go down on one knee as the etiquette demanded. “My family and I have fought for you. We helped you get what’s rightfully yours, asking for nothing in return.”
That was a lie. I’d heard all the families of the High Lords who supported Voron in his quest for the crown had already been handsomely rewarded with land, jewels, and titles. But they clearly wished for more.
Voron’s eyebrows moved closer, forming a crease of displeasure between them. A king could not rule without obtaining the promises of loyalty from the High Lords. That was the law. But it was more than that.
There were currently thirteen High Lords in the Sky Kingdom. Two of them, Caitore and Bussard, weren’t present. They left Elaros the moment Queen Pavline fell. Each of the two lords had believed himself to be the next king. They had very good reasons to feel cheated out of their chance for the crown now and might plot a revenge against Voron. He needed to ensure the continuous support of the remaining High Lords. But I knew it must pain him to be pressured into any new concessions.
High Lord Pelargos spoke politely, but there was a clear menace in his words.
“Elaros was built by sky fae and for sky fae. It’s no place for humans.”
Realization speared me with a jolt. He was talking about me. Why? I had no chance to cross him. We’d hardly even spoken.
Voron’s eyes narrowed into slits as everyone in the Throne Room, every single person, it seemed, turned to face me.
“Send your pet away, my king,” the High Lord demanded. “Keep her in the menagerie where she belongs. Or gift her to someone worth your favor.”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
What had I done to the High Lord for him to hate me?
But it wasn’t about what I’d done or said. The High Lord clearly found my mere existence undesirable.
An approving murmur rolled through the crowd. Just like the High Lord, they didn’t necessarily hate me, just wanted me out of the way. Some might like the idea of the king “regifting” me, possibly hoping to get me for themselves, the “rare pet” that I was. Others might have connected Voron’s reluctance to marry with my presence in his life.
One way or another, the entire court seemed to be in strong support of the High Lord’s demand. I saw not a single friendly face in the crowd.
“Lady Sparrow is not a pet!” Voron’s voice rose, reducing the murmurs to a faint buzzing. “She’s an ally. Her support was instrumental in my ascending to the throne. Because of her you got the rightful king at last.”
A sly smile curved the lips of High Lord Pelargos. “Then reward her. Gift her an estate of her own and let her live in peace away from Elaros.”
That didn’t sound so bad. If the nobles wished for me to leave the palace, I would, as long as it didn’t mean giving up Voron as well.
Voron’s frown didn’t ease, however. Dark shadows drew over his face. The other High Lords moved closer to the dais with Lady Lark among them. Lifting elegantly the hem of her blush-pink gown, she stepped forward.
“It is a small favor to ask for, Your Majesty,” she murmured. “Let’s honor the tradition and keep the Sky Palace for sky fae only. After everything that we’ve done for you, it’d be but a tiny price for our ongoing loyalty. Isn’t it so, Councilor?”
She smiled sweetly at the Head of the Council standing nearby.
“That is a tradition.” The councilor nodded. “There is not a word about humans ever living among us as equals. There is no law that states they have any right to occupy Elaros. She shouldn’t be here.”
“Rewrite the laws!” the high voice of Dove pierced the air. “Sparrow has been a part of our court for months.”
“And no harm has come from it!” Libelle chimed in. Lord Faisan, her fated mate and husband, quickly yanked at her arm, shoving her behind his back and out of sight.
But my heart fluttered in gratitude. Whatever was about to happen, I wasn’t entirely alone against the High Lords and the court.
High Lord Pelargos lowered his head, giving me a glare from under his brow. Another man, High Lord Cardinali, crossed his arms over his chest with his son, Lord Bruant, standing next to him with a similarly threatening expression on his face.
“Get rid of the human or lose our support.” High Lord Cardinali’s voice was cold and sharp like a dagger and his words pierced my heart like a blade.
I’d now been in the Sky Kingdom for almost three months. This had been a challenging, even life-threatening time. I’d met most of the High Lords present. They saw my contribution to the king’s campaign for the crown. They witnessed his gratitude and affection for me. Yet they still refused to see me as anything else but a royal plaything. They never accepted me as a person. It seemed they never would.
Voron raised his head, as if having made a decision. The Crown of Sky Kingdom sparkled with gold and magic in his raven-black locks.
“Lady Sparrow was brought into this world against her will,” he spoke loudly, for everyone in the Throne Room to hear. “She was a part of the deal made between a king and a goddess and couldn’t go back home, even as she always wished to do so. That deal has now been honored, all promises fulfilled, and I can finally grant her wish. Lady Sparrow,” he addressed me without meeting my eyes. “You are hereby allowed to return to the human realm.”
“What…” I could barely whisper in disbelief.