Page 69 of Crownless King
I pressed my arms to my middle. Setting aside my emotions, I tried to think about the future objectively.
Now that Voron was free of his promises, he could procreate to his heart’s content with the most noble women of the kingdom. He was free to marry and to continue his bloodline. He might have a legitimate heir in the future. In which case, an illegitimate older child would be a roadblock on the smooth path of succession. That certainly would be how the royal court would view it.
My personal feelings didn’t matter here. I wasn’t safe in Elaros. Just like my future baby wouldn’t be. They had tried to kill me once already, back at the palace of the High Lord Pelargos. If I showed up now, with a real threat to their plans for the throne in my womb, they certainly wouldn’t allow me to stay alive for long.
Voron wouldn’t protect me. He’d already made his choice. Between me and the crown, he’d chosen the crown.
My instincts told me to run away from the Sky Palace, not toward it.
“I can’t go back to Elaros. It’s not safe for me there.”
Sauria sat on her butt and placed her elbows on her knees.
“That’s quite a situation you got yourself into, girl. And now, you’re dragging me into it, too.”
“I’m not dragging anyone with me. You don’t have to help me—”
She tilted her head. “Do you have anyone else?”
“No,” I confessed.
She pursed her lips. “See? I’m the only one, then. And I can’t really leave you here on your own. If a wild beast doesn’t eat you, someone else may find you. Someone far less agreeable than I am.” She scratched her chin. “Maybe you should go back to the human world after all? It would be so much easier for everyone here if you did.”
It would be easier, wouldn’t it? No one would have to worry about me anymore. Not Sauria, either. But the more I thought about it, the less I wished to leave Sky Kingdom. For one very simple reason if for nothing else.
“If I go back, there is a good chance I’d die. And I prefer to live.”
Despite everything that happened to me, I wasn’t ready to give up. Now, less than ever. I didn’t want to die.
“Fuck.” Sauria sighed. “I wish I’d lost my ability to care when I became a hag. It’s grown smaller, but didn’t completely disappear, sadly. It’s so inconvenient at times. Besides, I swore to protect those I treat, and pregnant women are my patients. Well, let’s see what we can do with you, now.”
She rose to her feet and shook the grass and twigs out of her dark gray cloak.
“All right. Follow me. Do as I say, and nobody will get hurt.”
I nodded, getting up, too.
Her words didn’t reassure me, though. It seemed that every time I turned around, someone did end up getting hurt.
“Poor Sova,” Sauria sighed when we returned to the invisible wagon. “Such a meaningless death.”
She shook her head, splayed her hand on the door I couldn’t see, and murmured something quietly. The air under her hand wavered and appeared to solidify. Colors leaked out, spreading like ink through water and molding into shapes of painted boards. A door handle appeared. Then two windows materialized on each side of the door with a step below it.
Soon, the entire wagon became visible. Its boards were painted in a cheerful sunny yellow, with garlands of vines and flowers around the windows and along the door frame.
My heart squeezed in a new grip of sadness for the woman who used to live here. She must’ve been a nice person because only someone nice could own such an adorable wagon.
Sauria entered, gesturing for me to follow her in.
“We’ll need to get it out of here, the sooner the better,” she explained. “It’s not safe to leave it here. But I want to make sure things are in order and ready to be moved first.”
She roamed around the wagon, opening and closing the cupboards and arranging dishes and other things in some only-known-to-her order.
Inside, the wagon was just as colorful as on the outside. Bright pinks and purples were added to the yellow color on the walls and cabinet doors. A flowery tapestry separated a section from the main area. The tapestry was lifted aside and tied up with a green-and-yellow cord, revealing a neatly made bed behind it.