Page 99 of Crownless King
“I just don’t.” I couldn’t even elaborate on such a possibility. The idea of Voron dying terrified me even more than the thought of my own death. “But you have a point. Those two couldn’t be the only people who wanted him gone. If there is anything I’ve learned about the royal court, it’s that highborn rarely execute their darkest plans on their own. They hire people to do it for them. The men we killed weren’t the masterminds of the assassination. Someone else was. Someone who is still out there and most likely will try again.”
Sauria chuckled. “All they’d have to do for it to work next time is to hire someone who’d show up on time. Those two must have thought the king would party here all night, like his predecessor would.”
The blood chilled in my veins at the thought of what would’ve happened if they arrived earlier or if Voron stayed later. What if they shot him while he was talking to me on the porch? He’d been a perfect target then, standing outside, with not a single guard to protect him.
“The king needs to know that someone is after him,” I determined.
“Are you going to be the one to tell him? Because the Silk Festival is coming up. Which will give you a great opportunity to sneak into the palace.”
“Who else? You know the Sky Palace better than anyone else around here, including myself. Or do you want to hire someone toexecute your darkest plans?” she tersely paraphrased my words from earlier.
I ignored her mocking.
“What is this festival for? There wasn’t one during my time in Elaros.”
“No. It only takes place once in a decade. Everyone who is involved in silk production is invited. People bring gifts for the king.”
“What kind of gifts?”
“Usually things like lengths of silk, pretty garments, andfirrianbeetles. He rewards them with diamonds and gems. Some get royal favors as a payment. There will also be feasts with dancing and drinking all over the city, if you’re into that kind of thing.”
“But I don’t have any silk orfirrianbeetles. How will I get into the palace? And even if I make it in somehow, there is a chance someone will recognize me.”
“Not if I glamor you again.”
A glamor could work. I wouldn’t even need to speak with Voron himself. I could just tell what I knew to Alcon. He’d recognize me as thetaureanwoman and Bavius’s wife. It would add credibility to my story. I can tell him everything as it was, without hardly changing anything.
“As for the gift,” Sauria continued. “Bring the king something from Sova’s collection. That serpent from Lorsan would do great as a novelty gift worth royal attention. It’d be much better off in the royal menagerie than in my hut, anyway. I’m tired of catching flies and crickets to feed it. Its body has been shrunk but, I swear, its appetite very much stayed the same.”
It could work. It all fell into place so well. My stomach tightened. I might be going to Elaros soon.
“How would I get there?” I asked. “I don’t fly.”
“Use Sova’s wagon. It’s been sitting without a purpose for over a year now. It’d do it good to be put to use again.”
“It’ll take hours to ride to Elaros. Hours to get back here. I won’t make it in one day. I can’t possibly leave Aithen for that long.”
“Why not?” She waved me off. “You don’t nurse him anymore. He’s great with solids. Just pack some food for him. I’ll take him to my hut. He likes it there. I’ll put an invisibility spell on it, like Sova did with her wagon. No one will find us even if they try.”
I’d never been away from Aithen overnight. Before today, we rarely parted at all.
“I’ve never left him for that long. I don’t think I can.” I shook my head, nervously turning the cup on the table in circles.
Sauria casually leaned her elbow on the table.
“You know what? It’s just as well. Leave the king to his fate, just like he left you to yours when he ordered you tossed into the River of Mists. If he’s killed, he’ll only get what he deserves. Payback,Your Majesty.”She spat the last two words out like a curse with a wicked glint in her dark eyes.
What would this world be without Voron?
He hadn’t been a part of my life for sixteen months now, and I’d survived. But I always knew he was out there, living the life of a king. Whether I wished for it or not, the thoughts of him were my constant companion to the point that he’d become a part of me now.
Without him, I feared, the emptiness in my chest would grow big enough to consume me. I couldn’t let Voron die, no matter what he’d done to me.
Drawing a lungful of air, I exhaled, “I’ll do it. I’ll go to Elaros. I have to warn him.”
A smug smile rearranged the wrinkles on the hag’s face.