Page 53 of Bound By Darkness
“Sure. You and I both know how well you keep promises. It’ll be a shame when she does the same to you.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but Fin walked away, the door to his room shutting.
Clearing my throat, I turned to Ivan.
“Don’t,” Ivan said, his fingers caressing the bridge of his nose. “You’ve already caused enough trouble.”
“How is this my fault? I thought you were grabbing supplies!”
“I was. I didn’t expect to return and find you’d loosened your lips. I figured he’d find out who you are, but when he’d ask, I believed you smart enough to keep your mouth shut,” he snipped. “I guess I was wrong.”
“Yeah, blame it on me,” I barked as my bones groaned and screamed from my boiling blood. “You were gone forhours, Ivan. How long does it take to grab a few items?”
“I went back to get you?—”
I stepped up to him, my arms outstretched as I shoved against leather, his words dying in the stale air. “You know what Fin also said while you were lounging around town? He told me you would break your deal. He told me you can’t be trusted.”
“You’re going to believe him after everything I’ve sacrificed to get you here? After what we discussed last night?”
“I don’t care about your sacrifices! You should have left me alone.” Maybe it was the heat of the moment or maybe it was Fin’s words clinging to my head that had me verbally swinging.
Ivan’s jaw clenched tightly as he backed away, his lips pursed together. “Fine. Be outside in 10 minutes,” he said before closing the door shut behind him, the cream drapes billowing from the draft.
The three of us stared at the back of the house as a shingle fell to the ground, the rusted hinges swinging back and forth freely as neither acknowledged the other.
What a trio we made.
Fin shifted the weight of his bag on his back. “Well, this is awkward as hells.”
I gave him a quick nod in agreement as Ivan stared at the looming forest beyond the quaint town, his lips pursed together tightly. He had not spoken since the argument in the living room and from the way his shoulders and back were taut, he wouldn’t say anything for a while.
I didn’t mind it, honestly. Silence suited him best.
“Well, seeing as no one else is going to talk,” Fin muttered. “I guess I should mention the horses are ready.” He pointed toward the makeshift fence, pieces of wood sticking out of the wet grass like stakes. “Onyx and Beau.”
There were only two horses for three people.
“You’ll have to share, seeing as the two of us won’t fit, andI would prefer not to cuddle next to him,” Fin said as he motioned between him and Ivan. “Potential opening for stabbings and all.”
I knew no logical way for them to ride together existed, but it still pissed me off to hear it. I’d have to ride with either one of them?—
“I want to ride with you,” I blurted, the words tumbling from my lips.
“With me?” Fin asked.
I nodded quickly, my hands wringing behind my back.
He raised his shoulders, his white button shirt rising above the buckle of his pants in a loose shrug. “Alright.”
Ivan’s face remained neutral beside me, but his hand gripped the fabric strap across his chest, his knuckles gleaming white.
Fin mounted Beau, the gorgeous horse with the brown coat. The smaller of the two. Beau stepped to me, her head nudging my arm gently.
Lifting my hand, her nose planted against it. A silent request as I ran my fingers over her smooth coat in long strokes, heat seeping into my hand. She neighed once, her hot breath tickling my palm as her kohl eyes met mine. I saw it then. A deep hurt mirroring mine.
“She’s an excellent horse,” Fin stated, his arm scratching beneath the braided locks. “She’s been through a lot, but she’ll make it a steady ride.”