Page 57 of Bound By Darkness
The table I’d defiled with my blood, sweat, and vomit as they injected the black mineral into my veins. I’d lost count after six.
The liquid ran through my veins like a terrifying vice, staining them blue.
My throat was hoarse from screaming, and my cheeks were raw from the saltwater dripping from my eyes. Neither did anything to dull the ache as the deadly venom ran its course.
A guttural groan left my lips as my back arched from the stone, my eyes wide as I stared at the wet ceiling, droplets smacking against my face every few minutes.
This was worse than torture. I’d arrived in hell, and all I wanted to do was die. But as my heart slowed and darkness crept toward me, the mineral dissipated once more. It left me panting against the cold slab of stone.
“Amusing,” someone said, their voice floating to my ears as I fell in and out of consciousness. “It seems as though themineral dissipates after a certain threshold. It eliminates itself from her body,” the icy voice hummed. “What of the others?”
Others? They were torturing more than me?
“Same thing,” a haunting voice spoke, his voice like daggers against the wet stone walls. “A lethal dosage seems to be different for each person, but they all tap out at around three vials.”
“And what of her?” the icy voice hummed once more.
“She’s at double and no intense signs of decay.”
“How peculiar,” the voice purred. “Run it again. I want to see it for myself.”
No, please.
But no one answered my plea as they injected me with the mineral once again, its icy grip reaching into every pore and crevice as if to say?—
Your body belongs to me.
Chapter 18
Nicked Apples
I had never wantedto kill a man more than the one above me, a grin plastered against his sweaty face as his hands pinned mine to a pile of wet leaves.
My eyes trailed the sharp features of his face to keep myself from glancing at the muscles peeking beneath.
“Again,” Ivan said as he shuffled to his feet.
The fire crackled and popped in the crisp air as I stumbled to my feet, my body slick with sweat.
Fin poked the fire, the embers sparking in a flash of light. “Maybe next time hit him from the left.”
“Maybe next time learn to make a fire,” I grumbled as my feet planted against the kicked-up dirt. We were days into our ride, and he’d just mastered the art of the flame.
Fin scowled. “I don’t have to cook yours,” he muttered. He stoked the fire, tendrils licking the stick with orange. “I want to see him fall on his ass, and at the pace you’re going, it won’t happen until after Laias.”
“You come over here and give it a try!” A shove to my leg sent me kneeling against the dirt as Ivan twisted my arm, the dagger falling from my grip.
The tip pressed against my neck a second later.
Ireallyhated him.
“Stop getting distracted.” He smirked, his grip tight as he brought the dagger’s hilt to my sweaty palm. “Again.”
I seethed at that word—more so that I kept ending up with a mouthful of leaves. He planned to assess my weaknesses and counter them with training before we arrived in Laias.
“You’re cheating.” I readjusted the hilt in my hand. I was so over this and his mockery.