Page 59 of Bound By Darkness
“Don’t touch me,” I said, heat radiating from elbow to shoulder.
“Keep your arm steady and I’ll stop. Unless you don’t want me to.”
Sweat dripped down my back as I lunged forward.
Ivan was faster, alwaysquicker, as he punched my arm.
It stung, but it wasn’t enough to cause any damage. The bastard waspulling his punches.
As I drove the dagger toward his outstretched arm, I flipped it into my other hand, attacking from the left. A trick my father had taught me many moons ago.
He knocked the dagger from my hand with the back of his before kicking it toward the fire.
Catching my exposed wrist, he twisted it behind my back. “Are you even trying?” he whispered into my ear.
A shiver curled down my back at the honeyed tone of his words, his presencefartoo close. “Maybe,” I said as I stepped on his foot with my heel.
He cursed low as his fingers released their grip.
I whirled around, my body racing for the blade by the fire. Every inhale burned, but I needed to push him further if I was going?—
My arms and legs smacked into the ground with a resounding thud, his arms tangling with mine as we tumbled together, branches crunching under our bodies.
My back pressed against wet leaves and twigs as we rolled to a stop.
Ivan’s thighs trapped my legs as his hands pinned mine beside my head. “Looks like I got you beneath me after all,” he said, those silver eyes wildly bright.
My breathing grew laborious as I stared at him, my chest a stone from his as it rose and fell. He grinned, that dimple appearing again as his thighs shifted against my legs.
Every touch sent heat spiraling through my body as I ignored the muscles pinning me to the ground. Ignored the way my body was reacting to him. “Not… fair,” I managed to spew between fits of coughing.
“Breathe,” he ordered. “Your body’s not used to this level of exertion.” His fingers relaxed around my arms.
“I’m… trying.” Every inhale of my lungs pierced through me like needles.
His face scrunched slightly as he watched my chest’s shaky rise and fall.
“Water.” I coughed. My throat was dry, and I needed a bit of fluid to still my aching chest.
Ivan flicked his gaze to Fin as he sat back. “Canteen.”
I dug my elbows into the ground, but his hand pressed firmly onto my shoulders, my back digging into twigs and leaves.
“You’re not moving,” he said. “Fin, canteen.”
The scuffling of Fin’s boots sounded in my ears before Ivan handed the canteen to me.
“Help me up. I clearly… can’t drink water lying down.”
Ivan grabbed my hand and slowly raised me from the ground as leaves and twigs fell from my shirt.
My hand rested against his chest to steady myself before I set the canteen against my lips. Water poured into my mouth as I drank the slightly warm liquid. Slowly, my breathing returned to normal as I handed it back to him.
Fin’s eyes wandered to mine before glaring at Ivan. “You nearly killed her.”
“I didn’t think she’d purposefully try to overexert herself,” Ivan snapped. “Let’s take a five-minute break.”
“Five minutes? She needs proper rest and food,” Fin countered. “I’m putting an end to this stupid training. You’re not teaching her?—”