Page 38 of Bodyguard My Heart
I giggled as I grabbed all my bags off the floor and strutted off to get ready. Demetrius and I were finally going on a date, and that was the only thing that seemed to matter.
“We’re here.You can stop pouting.” Demetrius pointed as he pulled the car into a long, curved driveway. I stared out the window, still pissed that he’d insisted on driving. Talking about he couldn’t have me driving us to our first date. I stared out thewindow, trying to make out where we were, but all I could see was a huge stone house with movers going in and out. A large truck that read Habitat House was a few cars up from where we’d parked. I was completely baffled as to what the hell was going on. This couldn’t be the location of our date.
“Where are we?”
“Our date,” he confirmed. I stared at all the people walking around the house.
“Ain’t we supposed to be laying low?” I reminded him, counting the amount of people outside the house.This is not us laying low.
“We are, don’t worry.” Demetrius exited the car and walked around to let me out, crutches and all.
“It’s here? This place looks under construction.” I climbed out of the car.
“That’s the date. We’re volunteering with Habitat House. You’re always talking about doing one of those mission trips in a foreign country and giving back. I figured we could help while we’re here.”
I turned to Demetrius. “To think I thought we were just going to go on a picnic.”
“You should have known I wasn’t about to do no regular nigga shit.” He balanced himself, moving both crutches to one side so he could hold my hand while we walked up the driveway and onto a stone path.
“These houses go to needy families, right?” I questioned.
“Yeah, a lot of Haiti is still recovering from Hurricane Matthew from nearly ten years ago. Many homes and communities were lost, and much of the aide has moved on.”
I listened to him as we walked into the home’s entrance. Nothing could have prepared me for how beautiful it was on the inside. I stared down at the marble floors. The high ceilings gave it a spacious feel, and the windows overlooked the ocean.It looked like the perfect vacation home. I became jittery inside, thinking that I was going to play a role in gifting such a beautiful home to a less fortunate family.
“This house is beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is.” Demetrius looked around, taking in the home.
“Oh, hello!” A voice I didn’t recognize greeted us from the top of the stairs. My eyes traveled to the dark-skinned stranger as he walked down the stairs and in our direction.
“I’m Ramik. I’m the building manager for Habitat House. Thank you for coming to help us today,” he said.
“Thank you for having us and accommodating my condition. My wife loves to help, and I’ve donated money to your organization for years. Just let us know what we will be doing—not too much. As you can see, I’m a little banged up.”
I stared at Demetrius as he talked. I loved when he put his professional voice on. It made him sound more like a wealthy business executive and less like a street nigga.
“As you can see, the build of this home is finished. We fully furnish all our habitat homes, which you’ll be helping with today. Picking out items and decorating the home.”
My face lit up. I loved decorating and doing it while also giving back made this date perfect.
“Sounds good. Where do we start?” I clapped my hands together, eager to get to work.
“We’ll start in the kitchen. Follow me.” Ramik took off toward the kitchen and we followed behind him, hand in hand.
“This is perfect,” I whispered. “How did you know I would like something like this?”
“Because I know you. You’re selfless. You like helping people, which is why you became a nurse.”
My smile widened as I leaned up to kiss him. I felt silly for not allowing this man to take me out for so long.
“Everything that is needed for the kitchen is in those boxes. All you have to do is unpack them and put them where they belong,” Ramik explained. That sounded simple enough.
“Can you tell me a little about the family? It will help me decorate,” I inquired.
“All I know is that they are a married couple looking to start a family soon. They lost everything and need a fresh start.”
“That’s all I need. Thank you.” My heart swelled as I began moving around the kitchen. It was spacious and sleek, with marble countertops and stainless appliances that gave it a modern feel. If I were going to dream of a kitchen, this would be it.