Page 1 of Love and Loyalty
Chapter One
Lieutenant Colonel Isabel Oakley stepped off the transport plane and onto the scorching desert tarmac as exhaustion washed over her. The long flight from the States combined with the stress of preparing for this deployment had taken their toll. Her eyes felt gritty, her muscles ached, and her mind was numb.
But she knew she couldn't afford to rest. Not yet.
Being posted to this special operation unit had been a dream come true, and she intended to do her best.
Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and walked toward the command center of the forward operating base. The blistering sun beat down on her, sucking the moisture from her skin.
As she entered the command center, a flurry of activity greeted her. Personnel bustled about, preparing for the upcoming mission. Izzy’s gaze swept across the room before locking onto the intelligence officer, Lieutenant Colonel Patel.
"Lieutenant Colonel Isabel Oakley reporting for duty, sir," she said, her voice crisp despite her fatigue.
Lieutenant Colonel Patel looked up from the maps spread out before him, his eyes narrowing as he took in her disheveled appearance. "Lieutenant Colonel Oakley, welcome to FOB Eagle. You’re right on time."
Izzy nodded, her mind already racing with the tasks ahead. "Sir, I've already reviewed the mission briefing. What's the current situation on the ground?"
Lieutenant Colonel Patel gestured to the maps, and Isabel moved closer, her eyes scanning the terrain. "We've got a high-value target located approximately 10 klicks north of our position. Intel suggests a heavy enemy presence in the area."
She dove into the mission planning, her focus laser sharp and exhaustion forgotten. She knew that in this unforgiving environment, complacency could be deadly, and she was ready to get to work.
Quickly adjusting her uniform, she scanned the bustling special operations unit’s base. Although she had been here only an hour, she could already see that there was a lot of work to be done.
The first task was to check on the medical unit, ensuring it was fully equipped and prepared for the upcoming operation.
As she entered the medical tent, she was greeted by the unit's medic, Sergeant Thompson. "Ma’am, what brings you here today?"
"Just doing my due diligence, Sergeant. I want to make sure everything is in order for the mission."
He nodded, leading her through the tent. "We're all set, Lieutenant Colonel. We've got all the necessary medical supplies and equipment."
But as she inspected the shelves and crates, her trained eye noticed something was missing. "Where's the portable defibrillator?" she asked, her voice firm.
Sergeant Thompson hesitated, his expression faltering. "Ah, I think it might have been misplaced, ma’am ."
Isabel’s gut tightened. The portable defibrillator was a critical component of the mission. Without it, the team would be severely compromised if there were any emergencies.
"I need to see the inventory logs, Sergeant."
As they reviewed the logs, Isabel’s suspicions were confirmed. The defibrillator was nowhere to be found.
This was not just a minor setback; it was a potentially fatal omission that could put the entire mission at risk, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.
She marched toward the medical quarters and found the unit doctor in charge of equipment, Lieutenant Lewis, tending to a patient on a stretcher.
She cleared her throat. "Doctor, I need to speak with you."
But before the doctor could respond, the patient—a very attractive woman of medium height with a lean, muscular build; short, tousled blonde hair; and sharp green eyes that twinkled with mischief—looked up at her with a grin. Izzy couldn’t stop looking at her bare arms, beautiful lines of muscle gleaming. "Hey, doc, maybe it's being used for a different procedure. Lots of crazy people here, if you know what I mean." She winked at the doctor.
Isabel's eyes narrowed. "This is no laughing matter, private. The defibrillator is a critical piece of medical equipment, not sometoyfor your amusement."
"Private?" the young soldier spat out as if the sound of Isabel’s words were bitter, She stood. "Major Drew Mitchell at your service, ma'am."
Major Mitchell’s twinkle in her lovely green eyes was still there, though Isabel noticed it had subdued slightly. She was thoroughly unimpressed and rightly so. “Well, that defib is very important, and I don't appreciate those jokes."
The major chuckled, seemingly unfazed by her rebuke. "Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. You surgeon types are always so serious."