Page 16 of Love and Loyalty
"I've got to try and save the other soldier,” she said, already moving toward him.
Drew's eyes widened in horror as Izzy crawled into the open, bullets whizzing past her head, to reach the soldier's side.
The thought of losing her was terrifying.
Drew dashed out into the open to follow her helping her quickly drag the injured soldier back to their position of relative safety behind the rock.
Drew watched as Izzy worked swiftly, her hands moving with precision as she applied pressure to his wounds, her face set in a fierce determination.
“We are in danger here, the enemy are moving around. Our location will soon be compromised.” Drew screamed, trying to grab her arm, but she shook off her grip.
"I have to try!" Her voice carried above the din of gunfire.
For what felt like an eternity, Isabel worked on the soldier, the risk to all their lives was great. Drew watched in awe as she refused to give up, even when it seemed hopeless.
As Lieutenant Colonel Oakley worked to save the soldier's life, Drew provided cover, firing her weapon at the enemy’s positions, trying to keep them pinned back. She moved swiftly as she darted between rocks, returning fire.
But in the chaos of the battle, she didn't notice the enemy soldier flanking to her left, nor did she see the rifle barrel trained on her until it was too late.
The gunshot cracked through the air, and she felt a searing pain in her arm. She spun around, her vision blurring, as she saw the enemy soldier fall to the ground, taken out by Isabel's swift shot.
She dropped her gaze to her arm, where a crimson stain was spreading rapidly. She felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, but she refused to give in.
"Lieutenant!" She tried to keep her voice steady. "I've been hit!"
Isabel's gentle face appeared beside her, her eyes scanning her wound. "I think it's just a graze," Izzy said, her voice calm. "You'll be okay."
But Drew knew she wasn't okay. She could feel her strength fading and her vision tunneling. She looked up at Isabel, her eyes locking onto hers.
"Protect yourself," Drew whispered, her voice barely audible. "Get out of here."
Isabel's face was set in fierce determination. "Not without you," she growled, dragging her back behind the rock as the enemy closed in.
As she put a makeshift bandage on Drew’s wound, their eyes met, and for a moment, the chaos of the battlefield faded away.She felt a deep sense of connection and understanding, as if they were the only two in the world.
"Why?" Drew asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why did you risk your life like that?"
Izzy's gaze locked onto hers, her beautiful brown eyes burning with intensity. "Because it's what we do," she said, her voice firm. "We save lives, no matter the cost."
Drew knew that. Of course she did. But, somehow now she cared about Izzy and whatever there was or wasn’t between them, she knew she couldn’t bear to lose her.
At that moment, Drew knew she was in big trouble. She had feelings for Izzy and they were growing. Even though they had decided not to act on it. She liked her. Not just on a personal and physical level, although certainly on a personal and physical level. But also, Izzy was an incredible soldier- not just for her bravery, but also for her compassion, humanity, and unwavering commitment to saving others, including her, even in the face of danger
Isabel’s hands moved gently, her touch sending shivers down Drew's spine. "You're going to be okay," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring.
Drew's gaze drifted to Izzy’s face, her eyes tracing the lines of her jaw and the curve of her lips. She felt a surge of emotion, gratitude, and something more.
"Thank you."
Isabel’s expression softened "You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I was here."
As they gazed into each other's eyes, the tension between them was palpable. She could feel herself drowning in the depths of Izzy’s eyes like she were home. Then, Izzy broke the connection.
"I have to check on the private."
Drew took one look at the private lying a few feet away and shook her head. "I think he's gone, Izzy."
Isabel shook her head. "I have to make sure. I owe it to him."