Page 8 of Love and Loyalty
They worked to together to try and resolve it.
While they were in there, the storm worsened. Something had fallen a few feet from the plant, barricading the path, and the wind tugged at them fiercely. Drew’s fear heightened; she couldn't imagine going back to the dorms in the chaos, but it was also unsafe to sleep in a power plant.
Isabel noticed Drew’s discomfort. “We can't go back out there. It’s too harsh and destructive.”
“It’s not safe to sleep in here either. We could use the veranda instead?” They could create shelter there- it seemed the best option. Drew knew they would have to just wait out the storm and it made sense to sleep.. if they could, that was. “Let's find something to sleep on.”
And with that, Drew rummaged through a small storeroom while Isabel checked the main building.
“Anything?” Drew asked from within.
“Just ropes. Nothing much!”
After a few minutes, Drew found a tarp and blanket and rushed toward Isabel. “Look what I found.” She grinned.
“I think I can make something out of those.” She took the ropes she had seen earlier and divided them into two parts. Isabel tied the first rope from the pillar to the window and repeated the process with the other rope, stretching it to the other side of the window.
She then threw the tarp over the structure, creating a makeshift shelter.
Drew watched in awe as the shelter took form. She laid a blanket under the structure, and they lay down. The nearness of Isabel was intense. The brush of her hand as they rigged up the tarp was intense. Drew felt a heat building deep inside her. A burning sensation deep in her core. She wanted her. She wanted Isabel Oakley badly.
Their makeshift tent was quiet for a while and safe under cover of darkness until Drew cleared her throat. “I'm a bit afraid of storms,” she said, surprising herself and Isabel. She had never told anyone. You didn’t admit fear in the military. It never felt safe to be vulnerable and yet here she was admitting her fear to her superior. The superior whose clothes she wanted to rip off, no less.
“Is there a reason why?”
“My uncle died in a rainstorm. We were very close. He wanted to visit the day before my birthday, so he flew down, then took a car. Everything seemed okay.” Drew paused to keep her voice steady. She hadn't shared this story with anyone before.
“On his way, a heavy storm caught up with him. The car was wrecked, and he...”
Isabel reached out to hold her and rub her back and Drew felt her heart leap as Isabel caught it. “It's okay.”
“You're one of the bravest people I've ever met,” Isabel continued. The sacrifices you make for the team, including the one you did today. Reckless? Yeah, but still very brave. It is ok to have fears.”
Drew laughed. “I know I can be a little much sometimes.”
“Not too much for me, hopefully.” Isabel’s hand on her body felt electric. Drew felt like she might combust there and then.
“I think I'm just enough.” Drew pulled herself together. “And I understand your point concerning safety. I have thought through my actions from earlier. I will try my best not to be reckless. I know you're worried about the troop, and I admire your love and genuine concern.”
“Am I not overbearing?”
Drew could see the outline of her face in the darkness. Her elegant eyebrows arched quizzically. Drew wanted to hold her beautiful face and kiss her.
“Trust me, you are.” She laughed briefly, and her body vibrated against Isabel’s. They were pressed close now, for warmth, or something. The desert was cold and the sound of the storm loud. Thunder rumbled loudly, and they both drew closer to each other for warmth and comfort.
“I like the way you laugh,” Isabel said, her voice thick as she grabbed Drew's face and planted a feathery kiss on her lips.
Drew was shocked, but before she could respond, Isabel had already pulled away.
“I’m sorr—” Isabel had barely completed her apology when Drew pulled her in for a deeper kiss. She plunged her tongue into Isabel's mouth, deepening the kiss. It felt like the most intense kiss of Drew’s life. She felt desire flooding between her legs.
They kissed for a while until Isabel pulled away to catch her breath. Drew couldn't believe she had just made out with her superior officer and so passionately.
The tent was tense with emotion. Drew wondered what Izzy was thinking and hoped this would not worsen matters between them and ruin her professionalism.
Amidst her concern, Drew savored the taste of her.
“So…” Isabel cleared her throat.