Page 20 of Broken Soul
Ifinish replying to a few emails about upcoming appointments in the shop, then check my phone for the seven thousandth time since Diesel left on a special mission for Deviant Souls. He’s been gone for almost five days now, and he stopped checking in three days ago. I’m trying not to panic but he’s become essential to my life. How much longer will he be gone?
Diesel made several meals for me and stored them in the freezer so I could heat them up when I was hungry. He gave me the keys to his car and said he'd be back as soon as possible. I want to trust him, but old doubts and fears are creeping their way into my mind.
Maybe he’s done with me and doesn’t know how to tell me to leave. I shared my past with him, including the worst night of my life. I wasn’t planning on confessing it to him, but the way he held me and soothed me with his touch made it easy for me to open up. I thought he was accepting of the baggage I came with, but maybe it was too much.
I sigh and look around the front desk for something to organize. I need to keep busy or else I’m going to drive myselfinsane. While cleaning up behind the desk, I find the keys to my piece of shit car. I wonder where he’s storing it.
With nothing else to do and no customers to help, I decide to go on a little adventure. The shop has been quiet this week with Diesel and a handful of other men out on whatever mission they were assigned.
I don’t quite know all the details about Deviant Souls, but I just figured it was a private matter and he would tell me more when he’s ready. Now I wonder if he didn’t trust me with the information. Or maybe he knew I was only going to be a temporary figure in his life and didn’t want to bother with the minutiae of it all.
I wander over to the garage bay where the motorcycles currently being worked on are stored. There are only two mechanics working today, and one of them is out on his lunch break. The smell of oil, gasoline, and metal fills my lungs the further I walk into the open room.
Bike, bike, bike,I say to myself while walking by half a dozen projects in various stages of completion. It isn’t until I reach the other side of the room that I see a heavy rubber curtain that creates a separate work space away from the others.
I pull back the curtain and gasp at what I see. My car is polished, wiped down, and almost sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun. The tires have been replaced, and I’m assuming the breaks as well.
"Diesel spent a hella ton of time and money on that hunk of junk," someone says from behind me. I jump back and gasp until I see it's the mechanic on duty.
“He didn’t tell me he was working on it,” I reply softly, still in awe. “I wanted to scrap it for parts and collect the money.”
The man chuckles. “Probably would have been the wiser move, but I haven’t seen Diesel so invested in a project in years. I think it was good for him.”
I'm about to ask for more details about the work he put into it, but then Domino enters the garage bay. His eyes lock on mine and he beelines for me, the look on his face intense and urgent.
“Odette,” he says when he finally reaches us. “You need to come with me.”
“What? Am I in trouble?” I ask, looking from one man to the other. “Can leave. I know Diesel is done with me,” I whisper. “He hasn’t answered any of my calls and I’m guessing he sent you to tell me to pack my shit and go.”
Domino’s face twists up in confusion, which puzzles me as well. If he’s not here to kick me to the curb, then what could he possibly want.
“No, it’s not about any of that. Diesel was hurt in our last mission. Shot in the shoulder.”
Just like that, my world shatters. “Oh my god,” I whisper, trying to hold back tears. “Is he…?” I can’t even finish the thought, my heart ripping itself in two.
“He’s alive and has been recuperating in Vegas before we could transfer him back here. Diesel is at the clubhouse now being looked over by our medic. I’m sure he’ll want to see you as soon as possible.”
I nod my head, still trying to wrap my mind around what’s happening.
“Come with me,” Domino says again. This time, I don’t hesitate to follow.
When we get outside, Domino leads me over to Diesel’s car he lent me while he was away. He holds out his hand for the keys and I give them over, thankful he’s willing to drive. I’m trembling and having a hard time taking full breaths.
Guilt washes over me as I climb into the passenger seat and buckle in. Here I was, thinking the worst of Diesel after he opened his home to me, made me feel safe and loved, and fixed up my car.
“He’s going to be okay,” Domino says, though he steps on the gas as if time is of the essence.
I nod but can’t bring myself to say anything. My stomach is in knots and I can barely swallow past the painful lump in my throat.
A few minutes later, we pull into the parking lot of what I assume is the Deviant Soul’s clubhouse. Diesel has talked about it a few times but I’ve never been here in person.
Domino opens the door for me and I hop out of the vehicle, unsteady on my feet. I follow the Prez as he heads inside and straight toward the back of the massive building. We go down one hallway and then another before finally stopping in front of a door.
“He’s in there. He’s going to be okay, Odette. The bullet was stuck in his shoulder and required a crude kind of surgery on the spot. He’s in pain, but he’ll heal in time.”