Page 18 of Lost the Handle
Me: Thanks for saying no.
Evan: He speaks!
Owen: He’s alive!
Shelli: Oh good, I don’t have to console Mom because her favorite is missing.
Posey: I’m not saying no. That means I miss the fireworks show of Quinn and Emery. No way. That’s exactly what I need after my shitty day.
I turn off my notifications and head toward her house, bristling with annoyance. While I know my siblings’ marriages aren’t easy—I mean, Shelli is married to Aiden Brooks, poor dude, and Owen is one sarcastic comment away from ending up on an episode ofSnapped, starring his wife Angie—they all just seem…better. Like finding their people completed them.
While mine ran to the other side of the States.
And now, she’s back.
I really don’t know how to feel. On the one hand, I want to wrap my arms around her and give her what we both want. But on the other, I know I can’t. Not only am I still pissed she blew me off, I’m scared she’ll do it again when she gets me back. I may be a mess when it comes to my personal life, but I know the only reason she’s here is because I’m getting married. She doesn’t want anyone to have me, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be just mine.
Selfish ass.
And yet, I still love her.
When I pull onto Posey’s street, I see a sleek, chromed-out, black Bugatti Chiron parked behind Posey’s SUV. While this is an expensive neighborhood, made up primarily of athletes, songwriters, and singers, the Bugatti doesn’t belong. This is Nashville, for goodness’ sake.
The fuck?
I know it’s not Boon’s or anyone’s I know. So why is it parked in my sister’s driveway? After I park at the curb, I get out, eyeing the sexy beast of a car, and I notice that some neighbors are gawking at it.
Right? I think I’ve got a hard-on for it.
I grab the bags and head up the drive, drooling over the sleekness of it and the blacked-out windows. It’s a stunning car, and I’m thoroughly jealous.
I thought I was cool for driving a Tesla.
That my mommy bought me.
When I notice the California plates, I jerk back. Surely… No way.
Is thisEmery’s?
I’m almost to the door when it opens, and Zac comes running for me. I move all the bags to one hand so I can envelop my nephew in a hug. “There is my dude. How you doing?”
“Unky,” Zac coos, his grin bright as he wraps his little arms around me. I kiss his head full of dark curls. “I missed you.”
His voice is so small, so sweet, and it pulls at my heartstrings. This is what I needed. A cute little dude loving on me who thinks I’m the coolest, even when I feel like trash. I kiss him again. “I missed you too, my main dude. Have you been good?”
He beams up at me, his little teeth flashing for me as he nods. “Always.”
I raise an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”
“Very,” he says confidently. I glance up at my sister, who is smiling down at us. Everyone has always overlooked Posey, especially with how loud and gorgeous Shelli is. But for me, Posey has always been my favorite. She’s hard and knows what she wants, but she loves like no other. It’s one of the reasons I had to come over. I know she is beating herself up, and I can’t have that.
Because my sister is utter perfection in my eyes.
I gather Zac up in my arms after Posey takes the bags. I press a kiss to her temple, and she hugs my side. I don’t release her for a moment, just letting her steal some of the strength that sometimes I don’t feel. She can have it all if it’ll make her feel better. I kiss her once more and ask, “How you doing?”
“Better now,” she admits, patting my chest.
We share a smile, and then I follow her in. As the door shuts behind me, I’m surprised that I’m able to move when my eyes meet a pair of gray ones that will forever be seared in my brain. I’m not an artist, but I swear I could draw Emery’s eyes. I would get every shade of gray right, the shape of her eyes, the way her lashes flutter along her smooth skin. But mostly, how her pupils dilate with heat whenever they set on me. I could put it on paper, I know I could, because no matter what, her eyes are a part of me.