Page 76 of Lost the Handle
I look over as she’s getting out of my Tesla. Her hair is down, wild curls along her back as she walks around the car. I throw open my door, letting one leg out as she saunters toward me. Those hips sway, her eyes dark, heavy-lidded, and on me, looking like a snack I want to devour. When she steps between my leg and the car, I reach out, cupping the back of her thigh, rubbing her tender skin with my thumb. She’s wearing a tennis skirt and an Olivia Rodrigo shirt, her cheeks rosy and her eyes focused on me.
“Hey, lovebug.”
Her eyes brighten, a light gray that leaves me breathless. “Hey.” She runs her fingers along my chest to the pocket of my scrubs. She traces her fingers over my embroidered name. “What are you doing?”
I capture her hand, bringing it to my lips and kissing the tips of her fingers before I gaze up at her, in awe of her beauty. “Thinking about you.”
She smiles. “Really?”
“Always,” I tell her before crooking my finger at her to come closer.
When she leans in for a kiss, I snake my arm around her and pull her into my lap as she squeals. I throw the seat back before shutting the door and grinning up at her. She maneuvers her body until she straddles me, and her sweet ass presses down on my thighs. There isn’t much headroom with the curve of the Bugatti, but neither of us minds as she leans in, her hair falling in a curtain around us before she captures my mouth with her own. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her to me so that her breasts press against my chest. I sigh into her mouth as she spears her fingers through my hair. The kiss is hot, unrestrained, and full of desperate need. I hold her, never wanting to let her go. Her lips are warm, soft, and once again, I sigh from the rightness of her in my arms like this. She presses her forehead to mine, breaking the kiss as our noses brush against the other’s.
“You okay?” she asks, sliding her thumb along the furrow in my brow. “Stressing?”
She knows me so well. No amount of time apart could destroy our knowledge of each other. Unable to lie to her, I nod, admitting, “I assisted on an elbow repair for a thirteen-year-old. Just worried about his recovery.”
She continues to stroke her thumb along my brows. “You’re the best, Quinn. He’ll be fine.”
I smile against her lips, not realizing how badly I needed her words. I know she wants me to work with her, but that doesn’t stop her from always supporting me. From wanting only the best for me. Even if she thought leaving me was for the best, I know that she didn’t make that choice lightly. That it blackened a bit of her soul. Just like her absence blackened mine.
I need her closer, so I clutch her ass in my hands. “Why are you here?”
“I don’t know, honestly,” she laughs, her eyes bright. “I was across the street for coffee and saw the office. I figured I’d walk over and tell you to come out for your lunch, but you were here.”
I can’t stop my smile. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too.” She wraps her arms around my neck as her eyes drift shut, and we share a deep breath together. This is what it’s like with her. Immeasurable peace when she’s in my arms. Electricity courses through me, almost making my skin feel like it’s tingling. And while, sure, I want her, it’s more than that. I need the intimacy of us. The feel of her in my arms.
“Have you talked to Ava?”
I don’t want to talk about that, but I owe it to her to answer. I swallow. “Not yet, but I don’t want to talk about her.”
Her eyes flash with annoyance. “Are you going to talk to her?”
“I plan to. Just trying to get all my thoughts together. My ducks in a row, if you will.”
“I’m here for you,” she tells me, her eyes burning into mine. “Whatever you need. Money, hacking skills, distractions. I’m really good at distractions.”
My lips curve before I nip at her bottom lip. “I know you are.” I slide my hands up under her skirt to feel her skin, and when I find bare cheeks, I jerk my head back in surprise. I trail my fingers to the seam of her ass to find nothing there. Meanwhile, Emery is grinning like a cat with a canary in its mouth. “Where are your panties, my naughty lovebug?”
Her eyes darken, her lids hooding as she shrugs. “I left them in your car.”
I was sporting a semi before, but now, I’m harder than a steel pipe. “Did you now?”
She nods, all sweetness gone, replaced by pure, sultry sex kitten. She leans in, her hands moving between us to the waistband of my pants. “I remember being told that you wantedto fuck your dream girl in your dream car.” She frees my cock, her eyes dancing with mine. When she grips me in her hand, squeezing me tightly, I hiss out a breath. She lifts herself, her head bumping the ceiling, but neither of us can do anything but pant with desire. On my next breath, I’m buried deep in her slick heat. I groan as she whimpers, her teeth sinking into her lip before her eyes meet mine. “And since it’s my goal to make all your dreams come true, here I am.”
I’m breathless, mindless, and so fucking in love with her, words elude me. Instead, I take her by her sweet ass, and I guide her up and down my cock with vigor. I should be nervous since we’re in the parking lot of the surgery center, but with the blacked-out windows, no one can really see us.
Not that I care.
I knew from the beginning I could never hide Emery. Or keep her on the side the way Ava does Yvette. No. My woman has to shine like the sun, and I will never ask her to do anything but what she is meant to do.
Be mine.