Page 36 of War
“Ew, you’d need to be domesticated for that.”She raises her chin.“Seriously, though, are you okay?I’ve never seen my brother so freaked out.Not even when dad got shot.”
“I just need to eat something.Callan went to find me some food.”
“You have him whipped, girl.”She’s avoiding eye contact and fidgets with the fluff on her jacket.
“Did your dad say anything else?”
She jams her hands into the pockets of her jeans and teeters on the heels of her boots.
“Your sister shot my dad, Rogue,” she states, repeating what he already told us.
“And did he kill her in retaliation?”Fear, anger, and sorrow thump through my chest.I can barely draw a breath.
“No, he blacked the fuck out with three bullets in him!”she squawks.
“What?”I croak, shaking my head.
“He didn’t kill her.She shot him, and he blacked out.”
I swallow past the rock wedged in the back of my throat.
“She was alive when he passed out.”Her features soften.Pulling her hands from her pockets, she takes my right hand and squeezes.
“Then who killed her?”
“He doesn’t know.”
Kitty moves away, and I feel the distance more than I should.Deep sorrow wraps around me, isolating me once more.
“Why was she even there with them?”I hear the bewilderment in my own voice—too many questions.Nothing is adding up.My skin crawls.I feel like there’s a puzzle before me, but pieces are missing, and I’ll never find them to complete the image.
“Again, this is something you should maybe be asking that Tyler prick.”
A cold chill trickles down my spine.Tyler.Why wouldn’t he mention she was with him that night?“He wouldn’t have hurt her.”I went to him, and he acted normal, like himself.He loved her.There’s no way he knew she was dead.I don’t believe that.I can’t.
“Listen, it’s not me who needs convincing, it’s you.Things don’t add up, but our dad doesn’t have the answers,” Kitty says, reading my inner turmoil.
My gaze darts to the door when it clicks open.Callan walks back in, his arms full of snacks.“What did I miss?”He darts his eyes between the two of us.My stomach twists with nervous energy.My heart is beating too fast.“Here,” he says, opening a sandwich packet and handing it to me.
I don’t want to eat.
“They had these pre-packaged, but the woman behind the counter said they’re made fresh every day,” Callan says, pulling me out of my internal meltdown.
I bite my inner cheek at how adorable he is.I can imagine the flush on the woman’s cheeks as he spoke to her.It’s not every day a six-foot badass comes looking for snacks for his hopeless woman.
“Thank you.”I take it from him, pulling half of the sandwich out and biting into it.
“So domesticated.”Kitty snorts.
Flipping her the bird, Callan asks, “So, what were you talking about?”
“Rogue’s sister shot dad, and he blacked out.He doesn’t know what happened to her,” Kitty says so casually, you’d think we’re discussing the kind of chips I want with my sandwich, not attempted murder.“And he wants to see you,” she adds, dipping her head when he arches a brow in her direction.
“I’ll go there now if you stay with Rogue.”