Page 29 of Barry
“I did. Fan-girled like crazy. She probably has a restraining order out on me.”
Gen laughed. “I know, right? I could only imagine meeting all our favorite authors. If they ever show up in one place, I’m there.” Gen crossed her fingers. “We’ll keep wishing.”
“Amen.” Kathy set the bag on the counter. “Are you going to Tegan and Kate’s reception next Friday night?”
“We are. It’s been forever since someone threw a party. Clara and Ryan are watching Sev since Clara’s hip won’t let her dance, and Ryan won’t go without her. Senior will make an appearance, and then he’ll probably kidnap Sev and bring him back here.”
“I told Kate I’d help with the decorations.”
“You should check with Stephanie,” Gen said, grabbing her coffee cup. “More while we wait?”
“That would be nice. Edna, Kate, and I are going to see her after coffee on Monday morning. It sounds like Edna and Kate meet at the diner regularly.”
Gen nodded, pouring a cup of coffee for Kathy. “That’s what Ciera says. Edna is harmless, and she really just wants to help.”
“Except for the Bigfoot thing.” Kathy laughed.
“And UFOs. I’m not sure why Bigfoot has been hertopic of interest lately. Ciera said she had a picture of something she thought was the thing and then found out it was just a wild hog.”
Kathy frowned. “Really? It looked kind of like an upright hog, then.” Kathy added cream and sugar to her cup.
Gen glanced at her. “You saw it?”
“Yeah, I was sworn to secrecy, but it was blurry.” She shrugged. “What other supernatural critter will she hunt next?”
“There isn’t much left unless she thinks shifters are real.” Gen cocked her head and looked at her. At the same time, they both burst out laughing. “We should buy her a hot shifter book.” Gen laughed.
Kathy blinked and then laughed. “Dragon, wolf, bear, or tiger? She’d have a heart attack while clutching her pearls. I bet Edna has never strayed from the straight and narrow.” Kathy laughed so hard she snorted. “Could you imagine?”
“Never!” Gen howled with laughter. “The thought of Edna doing anything inappropriate, let alone reading a steamy paranormal. Heck no!”
“Her crochet needles may melt together.” Kathy snorted again, which caused them both to laugh harder.
Senior opened the back door and stepped in. “What on earth did I walk into?”
“Edna and dragon shifters.” Gen managed to say and then laughed harder.
Kathy stood up, fighting the laughter, and asked, “Is everything okay out there?”
“Oh, sure, you betcha,” Senior said. “My hands aren’t stupid. They shut the door on the darn snake, and it’s going to stay in that room until Ken tells us we can dispose of it.”
“Did someone really put it in his room?”
“Appears that way to me, but I’m not the law. Ken will make those determinations.”
“I should go out there,” Kathy said, but Senior put up his hand.
“Andrew and Barry are working on something right now. Give them ten minutes or so.”
Senior walked over to the corner and picked up Sev. “Hey, little man. Let’s go pet the horses. These women are a little crazy right now.” He lifted the little boy over his head and set him on his neck. “Ready?”
“Yay!” Sev said as they headed to the kitchen door.
Senior opened it and then said, “Duck.”
“Quack. Quack,” Sev said and bent down hugging Senior’s neck.
“That’s right, partner.” Senior laughed as the screen door shut behind them.