Page 35 of Barry
“Sure. Declan and Mel are super sweet about anyone using the center and decorations, although, as we said, Stephanie has the inventory of what’s there. Do you want wedding decorations?”
“I should, shouldn’t I?” Kate shook her head. “I’ve never been a real girly girl, so having a big reception isn’t on my bucket list. I just want everyone to have a good time—music, alcohol, dancing. Tegan is going to rent a big barbecue, and we’ll do hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the fixings.”
“So, no white paper wedding bells?” Edna chuckled.
“Ah, no.” Kate laughed. “I would prefer the Edison lights I ordered and whatever stuff Stephanie has.”
“That sounds like fun.” Kathy took another bite of her biscuit when Corrie brought out Kate’s roll.
“Oh, yeah, there it is. My weekly sugar fix.” Kate rubbed her hands together. “Thank you, Corrie.”
“You’re welcome.” Corrie filled Edna’s and her cups before she left.
Kate looked at her. “Can I tell you something that could very probably be weird for both of us?”
“I teach for a living. Believe me, you can tell me anything, and I won’t think it’s weird. My kids come up with the darnedest things.”
“I’m not so sure about that, but here it goes. I have a friend who has a gift of knowing what will happen in the future.” She held up her hand. “I know some people don’t believe in the sight, but I do, and I’ve seen firsthand what this woman can do.”
Kathy frowned. “I totally believe in people having premonitions. My dad calls it gut feelings, but I think people can be extremely sensitive to future events.”
“Oh, thank God.” Kate sighed. “Blessing, that’s her name; she called me this morning while I stood on my head trying to get Doodle’s feed out from under the dryer. She told me the young woman I was having breakfast with needed to wear her running watch from now on out. Don’t take it off. Wear it; it’s important.”
“My running watch?” Kathy frowned. “You mean my fitness tracker? I do wear it when I run.”
“That has to be it.” Edna nodded. “Kate has told me all about Blessing. I believe in her. If she says you need to wear it, wear it.”
Kathy stared at Kate. “Am I going to have a heart attack or something?”
“That’s just it; she didn’t know. She just knew she had to tell me that this morning.”
“Are you having chest pains?” Edna paused with a bite of roll halfway to her mouth.
“No, I feel fine. I just had my annual appointment. I have a clean bill of health.”
Kate leaned forward. “Just do me a favor and wear it, please?”
“I can do that.” Kathy shrugged. “Are you sure it’s not Edna who’s supposed to wear it?”
Edna snorted. “Like I’d have a running watch, and I’m a titch out of the ballpark when it comes to the youngwoman description.”
“She knows I have Monday coffee with Edna. She would have said Edna’s name.” Kate took a sip of her coffee. “I promise you I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t believe in her one thousand percent.”
“I’ll wear it.” Kathy nodded.
Kate breathed a sigh of relief. “Great. Now, I can demolish this platter-sized portion of sugar.”
Edna snorted. “Maybe you’re the one who’s going to have a heart attack.”
“Nah, I work it off.” Kate winked at her. “You know, like you used to do when your husband and you first got married. It's a nightly activity.”
Edna’s smile was huge. “The best type of exercise.”
Kathy laughed at the woman’s response. She really needed to let Gen know Edna may not be as strait-laced as they thought.
Barry rubbed down Buddy. He’d progressed from halter breaking his horse to putting on a bridle and saddle. Buddy wasn’t a fan of a tight cinch, but Barry was taking his time working with the animal. He wouldn’t put any weight on that saddle until Buddy was one hundred percent okay with the tack.