Page 38 of Barry
“Dude, glad you made it.” Tegan slid a burger on a bunand handed him a plate. “Grab some sides and a beer. The dancing is just starting. We’re winding down with the food.”
“Ah, thanks, but I’d thought I’d wait for Kathy.” He passed his plate onto the woman standing next to him.
“Hi, I’m Dana Kinzer.” The woman switched the plate to her other hand and offered a handshake.
“Barry Marks.” He shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you.” The woman searched the crowd and then shook her head. “Tegan, if you see Charlie, tell him I’ve already got my plate.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Tegan didn’t look at the woman but was polite, nonetheless. Kerry Ross, the manager of the Hollister meat processing plant, walked up and stood next to him. “I heard you had an eventful Saturday last week.”
Barry chuffed. “If you think rattlesnakes are eventful, then yeah.”
Kerry frowned. “Dude, I was talking about Chester being a dick. What the hell are you talking about?”
Barry laughed and hedged. “Obviously not the same thing. Chester was a royal dick. I have no idea what he has against me.”
Kerry shook his head. “I don’t think it’s against you. Everything has him going off these days. He went off on Alma, my part-time secretary. Had her in tears. I don’t know what’s happening there, but it isn’t good.”
“Damn.” Barry rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I hate that he upset her, but it’s nice to know I’m not his primarytarget.” Chester having an aim at other people lightened that load, too.Perspective. It’s all about perspective. And there was Doc Wheeler again.
“Yeah, I was going to talk to Ken about it. Have you seen him?”
“Ah …” Barry twisted and located Ken’s cowboy hat. “Far corner by the entrance to the Bit.”
“Thanks. Talk to you later,” Kerry said as he made a direct shot to Ken.
Allison walked by and stopped where he was standing. “Where’s Kathy?” She looked around.
Barry noticed the woman had taken time with her appearance and was wearing a summer dress. She looked nice. “I haven’t seen her yet.” Barry glanced at his watch. She should be here any minute. “We were supposed to meet at seven.”
“Unless Mitzi got after another skunk.” Doc Macy laughed as he walked up.
Barry rolled his eyes. “God, I hope not. She was excited about wearing her dress and heels tonight.”
Doc Macy grimaced. “Then I hope not. Allison, you look nice tonight.”
“You do,” Barry agreed. The redhead blushed brightly but dipped her head and said thank you. “Has anyone seen Kayla and Alex?”
Kate spoke up from behind the grill. “They were heading into the Bit for a beer and to meet someone, I think.”
“Okay, thanks.” Allison drifted away from them, and Barry noticed how Doc Macy watched her go through the crowd. He lifted his eyebrows when Doc Macy looked back at him.
“What? I can appreciate the view. I’m only forty-five, and I promise you, that doesn’t make me dead.” Doc slapped him on the shoulder and laughed, heading into the crowd.
Barry looked at his watch again.Chill, just chill. She’ll be here soon.
His mom’s laughter caught his attention, and he turned toward the dance floor. He blinked in surprise. Corrie was dancing with Senior. And damn, the two of them could dance, like really dance, not just move on the dance floor. The music changed, and Senior guided Corrie into a waltz. Most people cleared the floor, and Senior started spinning Corrie when they had the room. Corrie’s laugh was happy and musical. He smiled and felt a pang of sadness in his chest.She’s going to be okay, Gunny. She really is going to be okay.
Barry watched along with the rest of the crowd. When the song finished, Senior spun Corrie and dipped her. The crowd applauded, and Corrie laughed as Senior lifted her back up. Her face was red, and she looked breathless. Barry smiled and shifted his gaze over the crowd. He still couldn’t see Kathy. He pulled out his phone and noted the time, ten after seven. He called her, but it rang straight through to voicemail. She was probably talking to someone.Maybe in her truck. He walked out to the parking lot and scanned all the vehicles, looking for hers. Nothing. He walked to the front of the Bit and Spur. Her truck wasn’t there either. Barry hit her number again and put it up to his ear.
“Hey, why aren’t you having fun with Kathy?” Andrew asked as he came out of the door.
“She isn’t here, and her phone goes straight to voicemail.” Barry frowned. “I don’t like it.”
Andrew glanced at the crowd. “We’ll do a recon once through with the building and then the outside. If we don’t see her, go to her house. She’s probably looking for you, and you keep missing each other.”
“Yeah, probably.” But his gut wasn’t so sure. They moved forward just as Ken came out the door. The sheriff didn’t appear to be in a good mood. “Edna just found me and showed me her phone. There’s a batch of pictures with a man in a ghillie suit. The guy was in the area earlier.”