Page 43 of Barry
“If he kills her, my life is over anyway.” Barry could feel Wheeler’s eyes on him, but the man had enough sense not to try to dissect that comment. There was no middle ground now. The bastard who took her made sure of that. He put an iron fist around that rage and targeted it all toward that bastard. There was no emotional baggage on that trip. He didn’t care what people thought of him. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but getting to Kathy.
“Okay, I have a wide radius. With cell towers this far apart, it’s as best as I can get you, and what you’re getting next isn’t exactly legal. Not without her permission, anyway. I accessed the microphone. He was talking to her while he was taking the battery out.” Ethan pushed play.
Shut up, bitch!The sound of flesh hitting flesh and a gasping moan from Kathy echoed through the deadly silent room.I can see that position from here. Time for …
Barry straightened his back and looked over to Mr. Marshall. “I need that radius.”
“Figured, but I have something better. He wants you to come alone. Then let’s figure out where his line of sight is.”Frank Marshall nodded to a man who pulled out a map of the area. “Ethan, give me the plot.”
Ethan gave the coordinates. A plot, indicated by a small circle made with an old-school compass and protractor.Barry pointed to the high ground. “He’d be there.”
Everyone nodded. “He’s watching for you, so you’ll give him something to watch. Meantime, a few of us will be moving up on him.”
“He said he’d kill her if he saw anyone.” That was Senior talking.
Barry stared at Mr. Marshall, and he saw the certainty in the man’s eyes. “He won’t see them.” Barry cocked his head. “Will he?”
“Not until they let him,” Ethan spoke while typing.
“He’s mine.” Barry was still staring at Mr. Marshall.
“If at all possible.” Mr. Marshall looked over at Ken. “I’ll brief you after the fact. Less you know, the better.”
“I’ll be on the road. Let me know what I need to know. Also, the Bigfoot in Edna’s photographs today wasn’t carrying a rifle as far as I could see.” Ken stopped on his way out of the diner. “Don’t get yourself killed. I owe you one for the headbutt.” He put his hand on Barry’s shoulder and gripped it tightly before walking out.
“Now, down to the plan. Scott, you’ll be the spotter for Alex. Alex, pick your position, and let us know when you arrive.” Mr. Marshall pointed to one of his men. “Comms.”
The man produced a small box with earpieces in it. “They aren’t contoured for your ears, but at the moment, I don’t care if they’re uncomfortable.” Ethan pulled one out from the box. “They’re all in listen mode except for this one. Scott has his own comms.” He hit a small button twice on the earpiece and handed it to Barry. “You’ll be heard by everyone. When you talk, we’ll hear it.”
Alex held up his hand when the box was passed to him. “I have mine, too.” He pointed to his ear, and Barry did a double-take at the mechanic.
“How will you get to some unknown location in just forty-five minutes?”
Alex adjusted his leg. “We’ll leave here, gear up, and have the night to move into our best guess positions; you won’t.”
“An ATV,” Andrew said. “Fucker didn’t say how he was supposed to get there.”
“Who has an ATV in town?” Mr. Marshall asked.
“Declan,” Alex said. “I fixed the throttle on it a week ago. He’s keeping it at the bar to use to pull the grills around.”
Scott Evers stood up and headed out the door. “On it.”
“Now, here’s the plan. Scott and Alex will take overlook.” Mr. Marshall looked up at Alex. “You are our last line of defense. If this plan goes to shit, you take that bastard out.”
Alex nodded. “I’ll head over and get my weapon. TellScott I’ll meet him behind the diner. I’m assuming we’re leaving from the ranch?”
Senior straightened and ran his hand over his face. “Excuse me, fellas. I’m not a military man. This talk isn’t settling well.” He sat down. “Take him out?” Senior sighed.
“Consider it the same as taking out a predator that has been killing your stock, and then remember that the bastard has Kathy.” Mr. Marshall stared at Senior.
“I know.” Senior nodded his head. “I know, and I agree. I never thought I’d hear or concur with such a plan, but I do agree. I just … What happens when he’s dead, and people start asking questions? I don’t know if I want Andrew, Barry, Alex, or any of the other younger ones in on this. They have their entire life ahead of them.”
“No one is going to know about this.” Marshall looked at each man in the room, including Wheeler. The doctor gave a slight shrug to his shoulder as if the talk was something he’d heard before. “Now, if something happens and someone is injured or worse, Guardian will step in. Until then, we’re working on our own accord. This is not a sanctioned operation; this is a community coming together to rescue one of its own. Alex, you and Scott will leave from the ranch.”
Barry heard the ATV coming down the street and pulling up in front of Phil’s garage. Scott got off and started to fill the gas tank.