Page 26 of Elliot
“Hang up,” Elliot said, and Maya hit the end button. The phone immediately rang again.
Charley extended her hand. “Here. I’ll turn it off.” She took the phone, turned it off, and then handed it back to Maya.
“A restraining order is a damn good idea. You didn’t tell me he was such a nuisance.” Olivia patted Maya’s hand.
Maya shook her head. “He’s persistent.”
Elliot turned his attention back to driving. Persistent and obsessive, but he hadn’t threatened Maya. Was he the person trying to frighten her? Was that what the rats were? A play to get her to come to him? And of what importance, if any, was her father to the situation? Another thing that no one had mentioned was the guns could have been zeroed in on Olivia. He glanced back at Maya through the rearview mirror. She was pale, her eyes were wide, and he wanted nothing more than to pull over, take her out of the back seat, and hold her until she knew she was safe. But he couldn’t. He cranked his jaw down hard. Was she the target? Was Olivia? Perhaps … But then why would they take a shot at him after Olivia and Maya were in the vehicle? There were far too many questions and not enough answers.
Maya couldn’t stop the shaking. Or was she shivering? Shivering. She rubbed her bare arms, wishing wherever they were going, they’d be there soon. They were driving farther away from her apartment; that much she knew. She glanced down at the phone. Damn Chandler. He always chose the worst time to call. It was as if he had a sense when a black cloud was over her head.
They turned abruptly into a parking garage. When they parked next to the elevators, the door opened, and two men wearing suits appeared. “Out, now.” Elliot’s tone left no room for argument.
The woman she didn’t know got out of the vehicle at the same time as Elliot and the man she assumed was Smoke. At least, that was what she thought Elliot had said earlier in the evening.
“Ms. Solomon, these men will make sure you get home safely, and they’ll remain with you until we know what happened tonight. Conner will call you when you get home to let you know what he can.”
“Thank you.” Olivia turned to Maya. “Listen to these people. They’re the best.” Maya nodded, and Olivia hugged her before leaving with the two men.
“We’re going upstairs. Questions need to be answered before we move you again,” Elliot said as he placed his hand on her back and moved her toward the elevator.
“We’ll see you another time.” Smoke waved goodbye as he settled into the driver’s seat. “Thanks for the eventful evening.”
Elliot snorted and pushed the elevator button, closing the door. As soon as it was shut, he turned to her. “Are you okay?”
She lifted her shaking hand, which he took in his. “I’m not. I’m really not.” Tears formed in her eyes. “Why would someone shoot at us? Why is this happening?”
“I don’t have any answers. Yet.” Elliot used his thumb to wipe away a tear that slipped over her lower lid, holding her hand close to his hard chest. “You’re safe with me. Never doubt that. No matter what happens, you will always be safe with me.”
Maya looked up into those intensely gray eyes. His confidence shone in that gaze. “Is all this related? Is this about my IPO? Have I caused all this?”
He cupped her cheek, and she leaned into the warmth and comfort of his hand. “None of this is your fault.” He stared down at her. “We’re almost to the floor we need. Now, show me that kickass businesswoman.” He pushed the stop button on the elevator.
She huffed out a laugh and sniffed, drawing away from him. “She ran away when guns started shooting at her. Ask me later, and I’ll tell you why.”
“I’ll do that, but now I need to know you’re okay. Do you need anything? Do you need to wait? We can sit in an office alone until you’re ready to go forward.” His touch was gentle, almost loving. She closed her eyes, and another tear fell down her cheek. “I need you. I just need you.” She opened her eyes and stared up at him.
“You have me. I promise you that.” He held her stare, and she nodded. She believed him. He broke their moment by hittingthe button and starting the elevator again. He turned just as the door opened.
“Elliot, do you think you could not destroy Midtown?” The man greeting them had his hand on his hips, a gun in a shoulder holster, and a badge on his belt.
Elliot put his hand on her back and escorted her out of the elevator. “Ross Stapleton, this is Maya Callahan. Maya, Ross runs operations for Guardian in New York.”
The man extended his hand to her. “Ma’am.”
She shook his hand. “Thank you for the two who helped us tonight.”
Ross’s eyebrows shot up. “I had nothing to do with that. Charley saw the request and was on it. Based on the fact she’s so high up on the food chain, she has her pick of what she’s going to do.”
“Amen to that,” Elliot said. “Can you bring us up to speed?”
“Right this way.” Ross led them down a hall to a small conference room, where water, coffee, and an array of sodas were on a table. Elliot pulled out a ginger ale and opened it. He poured it into a cup and gave it to her. “You need the sugar.”
She frowned at him. “Why?”
“Because you’re going to crash,” Ross said. “Even some of my most experienced operatives grab a candy bar or soda after an event like you had tonight. It helps with the shakes. Those are caused by your body trying to process all that adrenaline. The sugar helps, or that’s our belief. I doubt if there’s any science behind it.”