Page 48 of Elliot
“We believe he was in a building across the street due to how shots were fired at us.”
Her eyes went wide. “Us? Was Asher shot at, too?”
“No, ma’am. I was there with a client I was protecting.”
“Oh, well, thank goodness you’re okay. Wait, the person you were guarding, they’re okay?”
“Yes, ma’am. Everyone is fine.”
“Oh, thank goodness. I worry about Asher. He’s always working and has no wife or girlfriend.” She looked up from the files. “You have a girlfriend, right?”
Elliot blinked at the abrupt question. “Ah, at the moment, yes, I do.”
“What do you mean at the moment? Are you planning on leaving her?” Cara held up a hand. “Yes, I know that’s intrusive, but don’t settle. If she isn’t the one who just sets your world right, then move on and find someone else.”
“Oh, Lord. Elliot, I’m an idiot. I forgot to warn you about Cara’s obsession. Woman, you can’t ask him about his personal life,” Asher said as he set her tray down. “She’s all up in my nonexistent love life. Don’t let her go there, man. I beg you, run, run fast and run far.”
Elliot laughed as Asher and his sister-in-law traded innocent jabs at each other. But her words had struck a target, that was for sure. Maya set his world right. He pulled that thought in and held it there for a moment.
“So, what did you learn?” Asher asked at the exact moment Cara took a bite of her grilled chicken sandwich. She pointed at him, and he laughed. He turned to Elliot. “She refuses to talk with her mouth full. It’s a thing.”
“Good for her.” Elliot chuckled and took the last drink of his water.
She wiped her mouth when she finished the bite and picked up the file. “And you ask me questions every time I take a bite. You’re a brat. But this tells me the bullet entered here,” she pointed to her chest just below the collarbone and then touchedher back, “and exited here.” She motioned with her finger, going from lower to higher and from right to left.
“Wait, are you sure?” Asher used his finger to repeat the motion she showed. “That the bullet went in lower and out higher.”
“Yeah, because of the powder burn on the front and how the bones shattered. See? That’s where it entered, and it exited here.” She handed him the note she’d been reading and showed him the X-ray.
Asher looked up at Elliot. “He was shot close range. Not by one of the snipers.”
Elliot nodded. “But where’s the gun that shot him? What caliber? Who shot him?”
“We need to go back to the venue and see if we can locate that slug. Can you get the magic man in your ear to find us some film?” He wrapped Cara up in a hug and kissed her with a loud smacking noise. “God, I should have met you first. My brother sucks. Love you!” He was up, and Elliot was right beside him.
“You’re welcome! Hey, you want this?” She held up the folder.
Asher jogged back and grabbed it, stealing a French fry from her plate as he did. She swatted at him and laughed as he jogged back to where Elliot was waiting for him. “Let’s go. We have a mystery to solve. God, I love my job.”
Maya stretched and glanced at her watch. She’d trudged through two hundred emails, validated projects, finalized a major acquisition of a production company that would double their current output of products, and dealt with a multitude of day-to-day business requirements. Payroll, HR, and IT issues an expanding company dealt with regularly. She reviewed the minutes for all her section's latest updates and smiled at the marketing briefing. Detailed, to the point, and not missing a thing. She was right to elevate Tanya to Folk’s position.
“Hey, Maya, you got a minute?” Jessica asked from the doorway.
“Sure, what do you need?” She leaned back in her chair.
“Ah, I was wondering if you wanted lunch,” Jessica asked from the doorway and looked at Rob. “I can order for everyone.”
Maya saw Rob stiffen and knew what he would say. “Actually, I’m buying for everyone today. I’ll get something delivered.” She stood, stretched toward the ceiling, and yawned. Her body ached in the most marvelous way. “Rob, would you mind coordinating that for me so it makes it through security without getting cold?”
“I’ll take care of it.” Rob nodded, and she could see that her actions allowing Guardian to order the food met with his approval. “Thank you.”
Jessica came in when Rob left. “I heard all about the shooting at the ceremony. It was on the news. You didn’t say anything yesterday. That had to be scary.”
Maya sat down and motioned for Jessica to sit across from her. “We got out without any incident.”
“Really?” Jessica’s mouth opened, and then she shook her head. “That’s such a stroke of luck.”