Page 6 of Elliot
Maya frowned. “Probably not, why?”
The man turned his full attention on her, and the impact of those intense gray eyes smacked into her confusion. “Because I need to ascertain the security of your apartment. My evaluation of your business location is complete. I’ll be implementing new security measures.”
“Why? Nothing’s wrong with security here.” Maya stood up and winced a bit as she put weight on her ankle.
“I disagree. There’s nothing correct with the security here as there is none.”
“People are vetted downstairs.”
“People are given directions, and they aren’t vetted. Someone came into your office and left a letter for you, and no one saw who it was. There’s no surveillance here.” He motioned to the office they were in. “Or on the rest of the floor. Anyone who knows what floor you’re on could ride the elevator up and do whatever mischief they were up to, and nobody would be able to stop them.”
“I respect my people’s privacy. Camera surveillance is intrusive.” Maya lifted her chin. “I don’t want a camera system.”
Elliot shrugged. “There are workarounds without using surveillance.”
“Then do that.” Maya opened her desk drawer and pulled out her purse. “Are you ready?”
Elliot’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you need to call your car service?”
Maya stopped. “I don’t have a car service. I use ride share.” Elliot reached up and pinched his nose between his eyes. Did he get hurt when he caught her? She hadn’t even asked. Lord, she was insensitive at times. “Do you have a headache?”
The man dropped his hand and rolled his shoulders. “I’m getting one, yes.” He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Would you please connect me with logistics?”
Maya sat back down because her ankle was swelling, and she wanted to see what the sexy hunk of protection was doing without being in pain.Sexy hunk … dear God, no. That was not an option.She straightened her back.Acknowledge the fact that the man is attractive and then dismiss him from your mind. You don’t have time for any type of distraction.The man in front of her was definitely a distraction. She’d file him under “pretty to look at but absolutely do not touch” in her brain. Shehad several men in that file. All were off-limits. She wouldn’t fall down that hole again. She fell for a good-looking man once. Boy, oh boy, did she learn her lesson. Giving her heart and falling in love with the wrong man, only to have him stomp on that love and kick it back at her. Yeah, that was a lesson she’d not soon forget. Relationships were now strictly formed to advance her career. Relationships were not on her agenda, and they never would be.
“Yes, this is Elliot Sawyer. I need a vetted car service starting tomorrow for dedicated use by my current assignment. Yes, that’s correct. No, starting tomorrow morning. That’s right. No, please text me the number, and I’ll contact the driver directly. No one else will authorize the transportation. That’s correct. Thank you.”
Maya leaned back in her chair. “And how will I get home tonight?”
“I’ll be taking you. I assume you have a parking space at your apartment.”
“I have three,” she said, although she no longer owned a car. No one wanted to drive in New York—well, no one she knew.
“Then I’ll park my rental there.” Elliot walked over and extended his hand. “Shall we?”
She placed her hand in his. The warmth of his grip radiated up her arm, and she shivered again.
“Are you cold?” he asked as he picked up the bag with the rat in it.
“What? No. I think the lack of sleep and the fall just now are catching up with me.”
He smiled politely. “Of course. Please stay next to me at all times when we’re moving between secure locations.”
She glanced at him, and his suit jacket opened a bit. That was when she noticed the gun under his arm. She gasped. “You have a gun!”
He smiled and then chuckled. “Yes, ma’am. It’s one of the things I require to ensure your safety.”
“A gun? Is that legal?”
“It's licensed and completely legal. I’m very proficient with it, so you can relax.”
Relax?With a gun not more than three feet from her.Not likely.“That might take some time.” She’d never seen a gun except in the movies. Her eyes kept going back to where she’d seen the weapon. She shivered again. Damn, she needed to stop doing that. “Do youhaveto wear it?”
He nodded. “It’s mandatory. A nonnegotiable.” He helped her tiptoe around the area where she’d slipped and into the elevator.
She turned to him. “What is negotiable?”
He lifted the bag and then looked at her. “Until I find out who’s doing this, very few things.” Those gray eyes were intensely serious. She’d hate to have him as a competitor because she could tell he would be ruthless in his business.