Page 61 of Elliot
“Definitely a him. Big guy. I’ll send the video to your phone, but, man, I swear he was upset at his shot. He watched until yougot Maya back into the building before picking up his casing and left.”
Elliot crossed his arms. “Any chance of prints?”
“Gloves. But, dude, when you got her in, he pumped his fist, not like I’ll get you, but in yay, score, victory! I had my Shadow intel officer look at the video, and she agreed he was happy you got her back in.”
Elliot frowned. “Could he have been shooting at Jessica?”
“That’s what my intel thinks. She’s lined up the angle based on what we have. The computer program shows if Jessica hadn’t moved, the shot would have gone straight through her heart.”
“And when I leaped forward, it caught me.”
“You got it, boss,” Con acknowledged.
“Has Asher reported in?”
“On that dipshit Dillon Ulman? Yeah, and, dude, tell me I’m a genius.”
“All right, you’re a genius. Tell me why.” Elliot rolled his eyes, and Rob and Silas chuckled.
“I thought you’d never ask. I was able to patch into a daisy chain of cameras that showed portions of that side of the building. Each had only a slice of the area we needed, but I was able to patch together a full view. Guess who had a gun and who Dillon fought with?”
“Jessica Hall.”
“Fuck, man, way to take the wind out of my sails,” Con grumbled.
“And where’s Dillon now?”
“That’s one of the big question marks. He walked out of the hospital and got into a rented vehicle, which was, of course, reported stolen that morning. I followed the vehicle until it went into a parking garage. There are no cameras, and tracking them outbound hasn’t happened. My guess is they transferred vehicles, but I’m working on it.”
“One. Sent the address to your phone.”
“Wait. What’s Jessica’s address?”
“You think he’d hang out there?”
Elliot nodded his head even though Con couldn’t see him. “It seems to me she did things by her own schedule, not Dillon’s. Maybe he didn’t know what she was up to. Can you access her phone?”
“Nah, dude, that phone shattered into a million pieces. The SIM card wasn’t found by the crime scene peeps. The last ping I got was right before she tumbled off that building.”
“Keep looking for any place Dillon may go. Family residences, vacation rentals, hell, look to see if he rented a home share through one of the apps.”
“On it. I’m also looking for aliases and known acquaintances. Oh, hey, that Chandler Kates dude flipped out when he was on bail. A real psychotic break, according to the reports I’m getting. He’s been committed to a hospital. Probably won’t see the outside for a long, long time.”
“So, the only outlying issue is Dillon, if he’s responsible for the shooter, and if he isn’t, Dillonandthe shooter.”
“Right now, we don’t have anything on Dillon other than the fact Jessica shot him, do we?” Con asked.
“He’s an accomplice at a minimum, and my gut tells me that man is slimy as hell. That undercover NYPD officer knew who the boss was. Call whoever you have to call to get me in to see him today. This won’t wait twenty-four hours. I’ll call in favors if I need to, and you know what that means.”
“Gotcha. Use the big gun if necessary. You know that will ruffle some feathers.”
“As if I give a shit,” Elliot huffed.
“I'm just saying, my man. The NYPD has a long memory. Anyway, I’ll keep looking into Jessica’s financials. I’m not sure we’ll find anything, but …”