Page 14 of Maximus
Her heart pounded so hard she swore he could hear the thing thundering. His eyes strayed down to her lips and then back up as if asking permission. She leaned forward just slightly and toed up. The instant his lips touched hers, a sigh formed, and she melted into his strong arms. The taste of the man was an exquisite explosion, so bright she could sense nothing but him.When he lifted away, she held her eyes closed for a long moment, praying when she opened them, she didn’t see mocking laughter. She gripped his lapels and slowly looked at him. The intense gaze wasn’t mean. It didn’t mock or criticize.
His eyes narrowed. “Why were you afraid just now?”
She looked down and carefully smoothed the fabric her hands had rumpled. “That’s a long story.”
He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter. “I have all night, but I can wait until you feel safe enough with me to tell me.”
“Thank you.” A shiver ran through her.
“You’re cold. Shall we go to the restaurant?”
She nodded, unable to tell him the shiver wasn’t from the cold. Or was it? The memories of her one and only lover brought a horrible chill to the very center of her soul. His arm circled her waist as they walked. She searched for something to talk about other than memories that haunted her. She grasped at a thought. “Where do you live in America?”
“New York City.” He glanced over at her. “Where do you want to move when you’re no longer employed here?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve never visited America, but I’ve heard wonderful things about MoMA and the Guggenheim.” She’d never thought of going to America before then, but seeing where Max lived had become a wish just that quickly.
“I’ve spent time recently in both. They’re impressive, but there are private galleries that rival in quality. New York would be a place you could find your next position.” He winked at her and smiled. “Unless I scare you off all of America, which would be a shame.”
She chuckled. “Right now, there’s no fear of that.”
“But for a second you were.” He reminded her of her reaction.
She sighed and nodded. “A very short, very bad relationship. I’m afraid it left a few mental scars.”
Stopping outside the restaurant, he tipped her chin up with his finger. “A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t have scars.”
She smiled sadly. “A sweet sentiment, and yet life does tend to mark us, doesn’t it?”
He nodded. “It does. Shall we?” He nodded to the café’s door.
“Yes, please.” They entered and were shown to her usual table. Her tea and an extra cup for Max appeared. Marissa took their order and left them to visit.
“So, tell me about the show. Are you ready?”
“I am. I can’t wait to introduce you to my employer. He’ll be so excited when I email him tonight and tell him about the possibility of bidding on that painting.” She felt giddy with excitement. It was a major accomplishment for her.
“Will you be too busy for dinner?” Max lifted an eyebrow as he poured their tea.
She smiled. “Too busy to eat? Never.” She looked down at herself. “As you can see, I rarely miss a meal.”
“I see a woman with curves in just the right places. I don’t see the attraction of a skeleton.” He shrugged. “I understand everyone has their preferences. You are mine.” His eyes met hers over their drinks.
She set her cup down and drew a deep breath before she asked, “Why?”
“Why?” Max repeated the question. God, he wished he could put his finger on that exact answer, but he didn’t have an answer other than … “You intrigue me.”
Max leaned back and lifted an eyebrow. “Such hard questions for a second date.”
Elena blinked and then laughed. “True. I’m sorry.”
He smiled and leaned forward, covering her hand with his. The feel of the woman was addictive or could be if he let it. And God knew he wanted to let the addiction flow through his blood. He wanted to experience the woman and decode what script made her smile, what sequences made her who she was, and how the asshole in the past had injured her. He wanted to find that hanging bit of code and sweep it away so she couldn’t remember the pain or the moments when she wasn’t held in the most precious way. Whoever the woman chose in the future would be extremely lucky. Beauty and intelligence, or smarts, as his pops would say, were rare, especially when there was a physical reaction like he had with her. “So, tell me, if you had a magic wand, what would your life look like in ten years?”
Elena’s eyes popped wide, and then she laughed. “I don’t know that I’ve thought that far in advance. Someday, as I said, I’d like to have a family. A husband, maybe children, and a dog.”