Page 24 of Maximus
“Stop being a baby,” Reaper said. “You need me, Max?”
“Retrieval. She’s in, and she’s going to work. I need someone to watch over her until I can change and return to her office.”
“You got it. Be there in five minutes,” Reaper acknowledged.
“Con, I’ve got eyes in the office. I’ll send you access.”
“What about the frames?” Malice asked.
“We’ll find out today,” Max replied and took a sip of his tea.
“What? What frames? How did you set up a camera system, and how do you know what I need to get into it?” Con rattled off the questions.
“Dude, he’s a nerd just like you.”
“Well, now, I’m really offended. No one’s like me,” Con said.
“I agree with that,” Max said, pulling his earpiece out of his ear and shoving it in his pocket.
Elena accepted Max’s offer of a car ride to the office. Walking would be good for her sore muscles, but fear of Sokolov was a real and growing thing. Of course, she knew Max would try to protect her. She felt he was as dangerous as Sokolov, if not more so, yet the tendrils of fear kept lashing at her nerves. She’d jerked at her reflection in the mirror that morning. Stupid, yet it had happened. Now, pulling up to the office, her hands shook. She clenched them and tried to control her panicked breathing.
Max’s hands covered hers. “I’ll be with you. You can do this.”
She nodded a bit, still too stiff to do more than that. “It’s silly, but I can’t stop being … jumpy.”
“No. It isn’t. If you didn’t have some concerns, then I’d be worried. You’re having the appropriate response based on the circumstances.” He squeezed her hand gently. “Are you ready?”
She closed her eyes and tried to take a full breath before she said, “Yes.”
Max opened the door and got out of the car. She took his hand and carefully slid out of the seat, letting him help her onto the sidewalk. The mint green silk scarf she’d wrapped around her neck hid most of the damage Sokolov had caused. The bloodvessels in her eyes couldn’t be corrected. The blood would take time to go away. Makeup covered the remaining redness on her cheek. She fumbled the security code twice before she could punch it in correctly. Max put the key in the lock. Her hands were shaking too much to do so. As she entered the office, the phone was ringing. She rushed over and picked up the receiver.
“Hello,” she answered in Russian. Max pulled out a small box and set it on the vacant desk in the office. She frowned but didn’t ask what it was.
“Elena. I just read your email. What happened?” Abrasha asked.
“I was attacked just outside my apartment. I’m … I’m very sore and shaken up. A neighbor scared the man away, but he was pretty rough. Could we postpone the showing for a week or two? I hate to ask, but …”
Abrasha was dismissive. “Of course. I’ll tell Sokolov to escort you to and from work. I will be directing him to find out who it was who attacked you. I will not tolerate an affront against one of my people. Sokolov will watch over you until we find this man.”
“No, no, please don’t do that. The art dealer I’ve been working with to get you access to that private sale is with me. We’ve become very good friends. If it’s all right with you, he can work in the office with me since he’ll be staying in town for the next month to conclude his business. Sokolov is too busy to babysit someone like me.” She stared at Max as she spoke, and he nodded.Thank God. She hated lying and hated the fact her employer was a murderous bastard and his chief of security had viciously attacked her.
“I’m very pleased with your work on that point, Elena. You know how much I want that painting. You do continue to exceed my expectations. I will, of course, need this dealer checked out. Idon’t want anyone near my collection who hasn’t been properly vetted.”
“Yes, I understand. His name is Max Stryker. I’m sure you’ll find his credentials to be impeccable. I did my due diligence.” She smiled at Max, who had used that term.
“You seem to be quite enamored with him. I’m sure Sokolov’s check will be thorough.”
She let the comment about being enamored go but continued, “Thank you, sir. So, I’ll push back the showing but keep it at the same venue. The manager of the Krasnaya Polyana shouldn’t have a problem accommodating you.”
“He better not,” Abrasha stated matter-of-factly. Before that morning, Elena would have chalked up the tone of his comment to bravado, wealth, and privilege. Now, the threat was clear and present. She tried to laugh it off as she would any other time, but her laugh sounded brittle and forced. She prayed Abrasha would attribute any weirdness to her recent drama.
“I’ll send you updates as I get them.” She didn’t want to talk to him any longer than necessary.
“Of course, you will. If you need anything, contact Sokolov. He can be there before anyone else.”
“I’m sure Max can handle anything that comes up, and yes, I’ll keep him in the office area until your checks come back and Sokolov tells me he’s cleared.”