Page 43 of Maximus
“Old school tech.” He chuckled. “I put a small thread in the joint of the door when we left. The thread was missing, so someone had entered and exited the office area.”
“It had to be Sokolov.” She shivered, and he tightened his grip on her hand. He’d noticed her reaction, and that warmed her in a way nothing else could. Max noticed everything about her, and that made the moment bearable. He was with her so she could examine Sokolov’s motives without feeling out of control. “I can’t … He’s crazy, isn’t he? Why would he want to hear what I say?”
“He’s always heard what you said. Remember the jamming device I put into the office?”
She blinked and stopped walking. “I thought that was a precaution.”
“No, that was a fix. I took it with us every night. I’m surprised it took him this long to plant another bug.”
“What about my apartment?”
“We’ll check it when we get there. Anything he can put in the apartment, I can circumvent.” Max squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Tomorrow, we’ll be in the mountains, and he won’t be there until Abrasha arrives.”
She nodded and smiled as Max bent down to kiss her. “Thank you.”
“For what?” he asked as he lifted away from her.
“For being here, for having a connection with me. For …”
“Loving you?” he asked, cocking his head to the left.
“It seems strange to say it, especially because we so recently met. Are we being foolish?” It hadn’t been all that long ago, yet it seemed she’d known him her entire life. She stepped closer tohim. “But it doesn’t feel that way, and I don’t think time could change what I feel.”
“Or what I feel.” He smiled down at her. “Let’s get something to eat and then go home to pack for the event.”
She nodded and walked with him to their café. It was time to prepare for the show and the rest of her life.
The road through the Caucasus Mountains meandered and at any other time would have been enjoyable. That day, it was a prep for the mission. Before leaving, he’d double-checked the car he’d rented through a service to ensure they could talk freely.
“So, we need an extra room off the venue?”
“Yes, for a meeting between Abrasha and the prince who supposedly owns theSalvator Mundi.”
“And that would be where …” Her voice trailed off.
“No, it’ll provide access to him, but it won’t be there.” He glanced over at her. “You won’t be involved with it. You’ll be gone before I approach him to meet the prince.”
She nodded, and he reached over and covered her hand with his. “I need to know you’ll be able to do this.”
She nodded. “All I have to do is my job. You’ll do the rest.”
“And follow Val’s directions.”
“Immediately,” she added. “I know this is the right thing to do. I just feel … guilty for setting him up.”
“You aren’t doing that. I am.” Max made that point again. “None of this is on you. You’re doing your job. I’m doing mine, and Abrasha will pay for the crimes he’s committed.”
She squeezed his hand. “I know that rationally, but still, he’s going to be killed.” She shook her head. “Knowing that is hard.”
“It is.” It was something she would have to internalize and come to terms with. Unfortunately, he couldn’t help her.
“The turnoff is just up here,” Elena said as they approached the lodge. The area was in the middle of a dense forest, and they’d passed several rivers that wound through the mountains. He pulled up to the front and parked the car. A man greeted Elena as they entered.
“Elena, there you are. We’re ready for you. The carpenters and electricians have already been here to check the rooms.”
“Thank you, Anatoly.” She turned to him and continued in Russian. “This is Max; he’s working with me for this showing. We’ll need an additional room tonight for a meeting between important guests and my employer.”