Page 58 of Maximus
“Rachel is five going on seventeen, and Oliver is three. Whoever said it was the terrible twos has never dealt with a pissed-off three-year-old boy.”
Malice laughed. “I have three boys myself. I agree. Three is the age of standing your ground even though you’re dead wrong.”
“Exactly.” Max laughed. “I thought you were going to slow down. Heard you were opening two more shooting ranges with Anya.”
Malice’s eyes narrowed. “We just signed that paperwork last week.”
Max shrugged, and Malice chuckled. “I’ve got five or ten more years in me. Too many villains and not enough good guys these days.”
“Guardian keeps producing the good guys,” Max said as he watched his family. “The baby class is exceptionally talented.”
“The newest ones? Damn it, that makes my group the ancient ones now, doesn’t it?”
Max chuckled. “You’re the eldest of the classes, yes. Ancient? I’m not sure if that’s an accurate assessment. But Jinx and the rest are in their prime now. The babies are just now entering training.”
“Weird how recruitment is happening now, although it makes sense. And Lycos is long in the tooth, but he’s damn good. Almost as good as Demos was.”
Malice saw a smile flash across Max’s face. “Demos was the best.” Max crossed his arms and looked directly at him. “Guardian has evolved and changed. They’ve gone through growing pains and matured. Considering all the factors, we’re going to be okay.”
Malice chuckled. “Is that like you telling Smith it’ll be okay when we got into that dinky airplane in Russia?”
Max chuckled. “Something like that. From the facts I have and knowing the personnel coming up and those overseeing our upcoming administration, Guardian has established a dynasty. It will last longer than any of us. Slowing down isn’t a bad thing, Mal. Spend more time with your kids.”
“I will, eventually. I still have that call, the need to be in the field.”
“I can understand that, although thankfully, I’ve never had that desire again.”
Malice nodded. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your family. Are you headed to a vacation?”
“Florida and the Mouse.” Max shook his head. “I get a lot of problems solved waiting in those lines.”
Mal chuckled. “All I get is sunburned. Anyway, it was good to see you again.”
Max cocked his head to the left. “I see you all the time, Mal. I watch over my own.”
“If that came from anyone else, it would be creepy as hell.”
“Guardian has a good staff at the helm.” Max extended his hand. “It’ll be interesting to see where they take the dynasty the company has become.”
“It will be.” He took Max’s hand. “Whatever it takes, my friend. Keep watching, it’s a comfort knowing you’re there.”
“I’ll be watching as long as it takes,” Max said. “And when it’s time to step down, there is another who will do my job. Just like you.”
Malice nodded and watched as Max went over to his family. He waved at Elena again and lost himself in the sea of people. A dynasty. Well, that was true, wasn’t it? He wondered where the dynasty would lead Guardian in the years to come.