Page 7 of Maximus
She made a sound in her throat, and Malice leaned away from her. “Smith, your woman is growling.”
Val reached out and punched Malice in the arm. “Shut up, brat.”
With a laugh, Malice got off the couch. “I’m grabbing something to drink. Don’t discuss anything important until I get back.”
“Then hurry up!” Val yelled as he trotted into the kitchen.
Reaper leaned back and stared at his hands. “I can get behind the ploy. The identities will be solid?”
“Better than any you’ve ever had.” Max smiled. “I guarantee it.”
“And you’re sure you can get the second showing?”
“No,” Max admitted. “That’s why we’re setting up for support in case I have a chance at the target this weekend. But based on the intel I’ve obtained, I don’t think Abrasha will be at the show then.”
Malice returned with a bottle of water and a drink of some kind of dark liquor. He tossed the water to Max, who caught it and cracked the top. “What did I miss?” Malice asked.
“We’re talking about setting up for plan B.”
“As far as?” Mal sat down again.
“Why won’t Abrasha be at the show? They’re his paintings, right?” Smith asked.
“Again, you can confirm with Con and Jewell, but Abrasha isn’t in Russia. We know he left last night. He landed in China and will be there for atleasttwo weeks. It’s a pattern he’s established in the last two years. There’s something or someone in China he visits every three months. He has the Chinese government’s protection, but our satellites have been able to track him to a compound in the heart of the country owned by the Chinese government.”
Malice’s hand went to his ear, and then he chuckled. “Con wants to know how the fuck you knew that when he just got the information confirmed.”
“Tell him he’s too slow.” Max smiled wickedly at Malice.
Malice started laughing. “I’m not going to repeat that, Con.”
Val leaned forward. “Don’t you have comms?”
“I do and will wear them during operations, but not in between. I won’t be monitored. It’s in my contract.”
“Wait, what?” Reaper perked up. “You have a contract?”
“Hell, no.” Max laughed. “I’m just a rebel.”
“Well, that, I can respect.” Reaper shrugged his shoulder and relaxed back in his chair.
“So, spill the beans and tell us what you want us to do or where you want us to be the night of the first showing.” Val took a drink of her wine. “Some of us are still jet lagged.”
“All right. So, we know the location of the venue. The Krasnaya Polyana resort. It’s in the mountains not far from here.” Max leaned forward and pulled a hand-sketched map outof his coat pocket. Everyone leaned forward to see the depiction as Max explained what he wanted.
“That’s not much fun,” Mal said.
“As I said, I don’t think he’ll be there.”
“He has two weeks to return to the country,” Smith said.
“Which is why Con and Jewell are going to try to track him,” Max said.
“No, Con, I’m not telling him that either.” Reaper chuckled along with everyone else.
“You can make plans for the second showing,” Max said and stood up. “I’ll be in contact.”
“Don’t be a stranger,” Mal said, following him to the door.