Page 67 of Love Is…?
“Right. Well, that was an experience.”
Jayde’s smile was the tightest Tessa had ever seen on a person’s face. Like a rubber band.
“So, how’d you go? Any luck?” Jayde asked. Her gaze took in the space around Tessa’s head but didn’t really land on her eyes.
Tessa paused, then reached across and held Jayde’s hand.
“Are you okay?”
Suddenly all the air seemed to leave Jayde’s body. She brought her eyes to Tessa’s. “Yeah, I’m okay.” She gave a sort of wriggle and turned square on. “Tell me all. I bet you wowed her.”
“But I’m back here, so I didn’t wow her completely otherwise I’d be…not here.” Tessa squeezed Jayde’s hand, then let go. “Paola was lovely. Took pity on my inept flirting. She’s just out of a relationship, so she’s catching vibes at the moment. Thinks Sydney’s coffee is better than Melbourne which would have cancelled her out no matter how keen we were. She isn’t looking for a hook-up, and I reckon we could be friends.”
Jayde stared, then laughed out loud. “Oh, Tess. That’s so you. You made a friend.”
Tessa grinned. “See? Lost cause.”
“You’re not a lost cause. You’re great,” Jayde said, pinning Tessa with such an intense gaze that she couldn’t look away. “Tess. You’re great,” Jayde repeated, and softly held Tessa’s hands, smoothing the skin. Tessa’s entire body erupted in delicious goosebumps, which she enjoyed for a solid ten seconds, then she panicked. Tonight was all about having delicious goosebumps as the consequence of an anonymous hottie checking her out, saying flattering and sexy things into her ear. Jayde wasn’t supposed—oh, who was she kidding? Tessa wanted to crawl under Jayde’s clothes. She wanted to be where Jayde was. She wanted to let her mind frolic in the wonderfulness of Jayde. Tessa sucked in a breath, took Jayde’s compliments, and bundled them into a shot of confidence.
“I should try one more time,” she said.
“Okay,” Jayde replied, rather unenthusiastically.
Tessa looked into the crowd. “What about her? The blonde with the undercut. Black shirt.”
Jayde leaned around Tessa.
“Looks like a player, so she might lead the way. That’s good, right?”
A player? Leading the way? Tessa swallowed. Flashbacks of Olna sneering at Tessa’s need to be led flickered through her mind. She tossed them to the side.
“Yes, why not?” She inhaled, and climbed off her stool. “Here I go.”
Tessa weaved in between other patrons and reached the tall, round-top table, where the woman was nursing a tumbler of something golden brown. Her friends seemed to have abandoned her. Probably a toilet break.
“Hi. My name’s Tessa. I noticed that you’re marooned on your island, and I thought I’d rescue you.”
Tessa cheered. A flirty opening line.
The woman scanned Tessa’s body, then winked. “Are you sure it’s me who needs rescuing?”
Tessa pressed her lips together, and blinked. With a wide mouth smile, the woman stuck out her hand. “Maz.”
Within two minutes, Tessa discovered that Maz was a small-appliance repair person, didn’t like wine, and had a younger sister. She also discovered that Maz was up for a good time if Tessa was into one as well.
Maz leaned in, and ran a finger down Tessa’s forearm. “Wanna go back to mine?”
“Okay?” Tessa squeaked.
Maz stood, and held out her hand. “I live down the road.”
Patting herself on the back for being the best picker-upper-er ever, while simultaneously swallowing her anxiety, Tessa trailed behind Maz out the door where they only walked three steps before Maz turned Tessa towards her.
“Can I kiss you, please?” Maz’s voice was husky and low and made Tessa’s stomach flip over. Swoon. And manners. Extra swoon.
“Yes.” Tessa wet her lips.
Maz leant down and pressed her lips to Tessa’s, sliding against them, nibbling, her hand reaching around to hold Tessa’s body to hers.