Page 8 of Sebastian.
Reaching down, I place a comforting hand on his shoulder, a silent gesture of support. “I wish it wasn't true either. But it is. I’ve confirmed it in every possible way, and there’s no way to get away from the fact. All I can do is keep it a secret to protect all of you.”
Andries's eyes widen as it starts to dawn on him just how much this truth could ruin all of our lives, and even my children’s futures. “Who knows about it?” he asks, going pale.
I take a moment to collect my thoughts before answering. Andries is very, very shaken, which I expected, but it doesn’t make me feel any better about it. “Your mom, Uncle Alex, Oma Margaret, and…now you. If Karl ever discovers the truth, he will have a legitimate claim to my father’s inheritance. That includes the family estate where you and your siblings live, the company, and the family trust––along with the family name, of course.”
“Fuck, I can't believe Mom was ready to go as far as telling Karl about it,” Andries mutters, rubbing his hands over his face and sliding down further in his chair.
I offer a sympathetic nod, understanding all too well the turmoil he must be experiencing. “Well, now you know why I showed up at the last possible minute. That was your mother’s ultimatum—come or she was going to tell Karl everything.” When Andries blanches even more, I blow out a breath, squeezing his shoulder before letting go. “You look like you need a drink.”
He just nods, his mind still processing the whole revelation. “Damn right I do.”
I make my way to the well-stocked wet bar, pouring a generous measure of whiskey into two glasses. The amber liquid glimmers in the dim light overhead.
Handing a glass to Andries, I watch him accept it, his hands trembling ever so slightly. He raises it to his lips and drinks the contents in one swift motion. I can see him wince at the burn of the alcohol, but he doesn’t complain, simply sitting the empty glass on the side table next to him.
I observe my son, feeling guilt turning over and over inside of me no matter how much I try to ignore it. I guess that a father never quite gets over being forced to hurt his son, even when said son is being an absolute fool and it’s for his own good. It’s safe to say I had not anticipated this level of distress, and I wonder just how deeply this revelation has affected him. Maybe even enough to call off the wedding, but I doubt it. Luck is not on my side that much.
Andries's words hit me like a sudden gust of wind, the shakiness of his voice dissolving and being replaced by a stubborn resoluteness that reminds me of myself at his age. “I might not like you much these days, Dad, but I hate Karl on a cellular level,” he says, words dripping with disdain. “The fact Mom was about to give him so much leverage to destroy us is beyond absurd.”
I chuckle, but there is no mirth in it. “It is absurd, I agree.” A trace of bitterness seeps into my words. “I'm glad we can agree on that, at least. I suppose this secret is safe with you?”
“Of course,” Andries assures me as he stands and starts to straighten his suit. “And, um, thanks for telling me the truth. At least now it makes some sort of sense why you’ve been so kind and forgiving to him, even when he’s clearly a piece of shit. You don’t really have a choice in the matter, I guess.”
A mixture of emotions washes over me as I reflect on Andries’s words. It’s true, my relationship with Karl has always been complicated, a delicate dance between loyalty and resentment. Understanding the hidden truth brings clarity to my actions, the reasons behind my choices. Keeping Karl around at the family company must have made no sense to any of my children, but now at least one of them can share the burden of knowing why Karl will be attached to me until the day one of us dies.
I wish my father didn’t ask me to watch over him, or I wish, at least, that I had the gut to decline. Little did I know back then that Karl would make me regret that promise with his actions to the point where it nearly destroyed everything I’ve worked for.
“I've always tried to do what's best for our family,” I tell him, my voice lower than usual. “Even when it seems like, from the outside, I’m trying to destroy it, instead.”
Andries gazes at me, understanding in his eyes. It's a small step towards healing the rift that has divided us for so long. We may not have all the answers or solutions, but in this moment, we share a mutual understanding.
So…it’s done. I’ve taken Julia’s power, her only bargaining chip. I may have had to lay my darkest secret bare for my son, but at least I’ve won. Victory feels hollow today, knowing that Andries is still going through with the wedding, but it’s better than letting Julia manipulate me for her own desires, using my father’s dark past as the cornerstone of her plans.
“I'm glad we managed to have a chat before you go and get married to...well, your lovely fiancée.” I manage to keep all of my many, many thoughts about Roxanne to myself which is another victory in itself. Andries is at least tolerating me right now, and I don’t think that disparaging his bride will be the right decision to keep him so understanding.
“I appreciate that. You don't have to attend the ceremony. I get it. It’s…it’s all good if you don’t want to be there.” Andries clears his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets. Things are becoming awkward, now that the worst is out of the way. My son knows good and well that I have no interest in watching him wed a woman that I despise, even if he would prefer that I attend. At this point, though, I can’t really tell whether Andries wants me there or not. His current state of neutrality might just be the relief of knowing that I’m not a total prick, sticking up for Karl for no reason.
Maybe this could have all been avoided if I’d have just confessed this to my oldest son sooner. He hasn’t exactly made wise choices as he matured, which is why it never crossed my mind before Julia forced my hand. But maybe I underestimated Andries’s maturity.
I pause for a moment, contemplating his words. “What about your mom's threat? Just because you know about Karl now doesn’t mean she won’t still follow through on telling him if I don’t attend. That was the ultimatum she gave me.”
Andries’s jaw works, his stress evident. “I'll take care of that. She can't threaten you like that. But in exchange, all I ask is that you and Karl leave Roxanne and me in peace.”
The request takes me by surprise, but I recognize the earnestness in my son's eyes. There’s a part of me that is disappointed about Andries not asking me to attend, but I am also relieved. Watching him marry Roxanne might very well be the thing that kills me, from shame alone. Convincing Karl to leave my son and his new bride in peace shouldn’t be too difficult—the man is easily manipulated, and my pockets are deep. “Fine by me. As long as I don't see her at any family gatherings.”
Andries nods, but he doesn’t look thrilled. “That’s easy for you to say. Mom will be beyond pissed if we don't show up for Christmas.”
A sigh escapes my lips, contemplating the repercussions of such a decision. The likelihood of my marriage surviving all this dwindles by the minute, but I don’t dare tell Andries yet. Not when I still need him for one more thing. “That won’t be a problem. I can always be the one not going.”
Andries winces, hearing the unspoken meaning of my words. “That would make things even worse. You should talk to Mom before you leave, so she understands where we all stand.”
There it is. The last thing I have to do to make sure that Julia keeps her mouth shut. I want her to know, in no uncertain terms, that I have won, and that going up against me is foolish at the best of times. There is no way in hell she’s going to manipulate me with a threat to reveal the truth about Karl to the world. Now that Andries knows, he’ll tear her apart for me if she still wants to follow through. Considering that his happiness is why Julia is trying to pull all these strings in the first place means that she more than likely won’t go against our son’s wishes.
“Actually,” I begin as I walk towards him. “I think it’s best if we talk to her together, don’t you think?”