Page 86 of Hannah.
She turns to face me, her eyes filled with determination and understanding. “It’s not going to be easy,” she reminds me, her voice steady. “But it’s not supposed to be. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just life. Life’s hard sometimes and complicated. The only thing we can control is how we handle it.”
“I feel like I should be giving you advice, but you’re already much more mature than I feel right now.” I drag a hand through my hair, chuckling, my voice heavy with self-deprecation. “I feel like some 15-year-old boy sneaking around behind his parents’ backs.”
“Oh, Johan….” Hannah leans across the center console and brushes a kiss across my cheek. “You’re the furthest thing from a kid, trust me.”
The car is suddenly stuffy, and I resist the urge to crank the AC.
“Not helping,” I mutter.
Hannah giggles. “Good.”
We arrive back at Cambridge after dusk. The trip was long, but neither of us complained. Not with so much at stake.
I pull into the small faculty parking lot near her dorm, which, at this hour, is dark and empty.
“I'll walk you up,” I tell Hannah, but she hesitates, hands folded in her lap.
“Maybe that’s not such a good idea. It’s Sunday night, after all, and the halls and common areas are going to be packed. If you want to keep this secret, then maybe….”
I hate this. “I do want to keep it secret, but I also want to kiss you goodnight.”
Hannah looks out the window, where we are parked tucked in a row of empty cars, my lights switched off. No one would ever know we were here unless they went around looking in windows. “You'll just have to kiss me here, then.”
I switch in my seat, facing her fully. “Hannah, I’m serious. This is going to be difficult. I know we agreed, and you said that’s okay, but?—”
She silences me with a finger to my mouth. “Johan. Kiss me goodnight. Then I’m going inside. Don’t worry, we’ll see each other in the morning.”
I sigh, but I do as she asks. Our mouths meet, my fingers carding through her hair as I gently cup the back of her neck. Any second now, one of us will break the kiss, and she’ll grab her bag, disappearing into the night and up to her private dorm alone. That’s definitely what's going to happen, right?
So why is this sweet, subtle goodbye kiss turning so fucking heated all of a sudden?
Hannah is panting, her mouth hot and wet against mine, and she’s got her whole body twisted awkwardly in the seat, one hand clutching at me while the other grips the dash.
“Johan,” she gasps. “In the back. Now.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I fumble with my seat belt while Hannah is scrambling across the center console and into the backseat. I’m following after her, kicking at her bag on the floor, which is caught around one of her feet.
“Are you sure?” I ask her because it’s stupid and irrelevant at this point, but the responsible, sane part of my brain is trying desperately to cling to any semblance of reason.
“If you ask me that one more time,” Hannah says, her voice breathy and lips swollen, “I’m going to scream.”
Fair enough.
In the cramped backseat of my car, I tug Hannah’s leggings down her hips, shoving them and her underwear down just enough that she’s bare and exposed to me. My back is to the window, two long legs awkwardly stretched out and bent on the seats while she hovers over me, hands on my shoulders for balance. There's almost no light, and my hands are clumsy at my fly, but I free myself, Hannah’s breath catching as she watches my cock spring out into the open air.
“Now, Hannah. I need you now,” I breathe, guiding her hips down.
It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and somehow the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Hannah’s moans echo off the windows, and the seatbelt digs into my back. My neck is at a weird angle, but none of that matters when I’m sliding inside her slick warmth.
“Yes, Johan. Oh fuck.” Her forehead is against mine, and her hair falls in a curtain around us. “God, you feel so good.”
We move together, and I hold her hips, bracing my feet against the door. Hannah rocks against me, and I drive upwards,my cock buried deep inside her. The car is rocking on its wheels, and it’s a miracle no one has found us, but I don’t care.
Logically, I know we aren’t nearly as secluded as it feels. There must be students milling about outside, walking from the library, or on their way to a late dinner, but here? Now? This car is the entire universe, Hannah and I the only living things left in the world.
It’s madness. It’s heaven.
I’m lost to the feeling of her body wrapped around mine, her skin beneath my fingers, her voice in my ears, the taste of her on my tongue, the scent of her arousal and shampoo filling my nose.