Page 91 of Hannah.
“What are your intentions with her? Is this a passing crush?—”
“I told you it’s not,” I reply just as fast.
“Well, that’s not the impression I’ve gotten from the Portmeirion cottage staff.”
I narrow my eyes. “You had them, what, spying on us? Making a little report?”
Dad shakes his head. “Don’t be dramatic. It’s nothing so serious. It’s just that they mentioned…” He coughs in his hand, clearly feeling awkward. “That the two of you didn't leave the bedroom much, is all.”
Despite never being uncomfortable or ashamed about anything like this before, my cheeks burn. “Wonderful. Glad they were entertained.”
“Johan, please. Just tell me the truth. Are you serious about her? Do you see this becoming something long-term?”
I don't hesitate. “Yes. I’m serious. I’m not sure what the next steps are, but yes. I want to be with her.”
He lets out a long breath, his gaze drifting away. “I see.”
“Why? What's the problem?”
“This.” He shoves his hands into his pockets again, closing his eyes and letting the sun shine down on his face. “These feelings you have for her complicate things. You are a smart boy…a smart man, Johan. You should know with nobility comes responsibilities that aren't always pleasant. If you weren't serious about that girl, I was prepared to negotiate, letting this thing between you two run its course so you could end it neatly and naturally. Tell me, you think she feels the same about you?”
I frown. “I’d hope so. We haven’t talked about it, and we've only just figured out how we're going to tell our family and friends. But this has been the most serious relationship I’ve ever had, and I’m confident Hannah feels the same.”
He gives me a long, hard look. “It’s just…she's quite a bit younger than you, isn't she?”
“Nine years.” I can feel my jaw tensing. “Can you just get to the point?”
Dad inhales and exhales slowly. “Yes…well. Since this doesn't appear to be something that can simply run its course, it's going to be quite a bit more painful than I anticipated, and for that, I’m sorry. Hannah, while not our first choice, is a perfectly suitable match, and under any other circumstances, we’d be glad to welcome her into the fold. But…” he pauses, and I get the impression he’s having to force the words out. “You have to end things with her, Johan. It’s simply not in the cards, my boy. You’re going to have to cut things off and then reconcile with Astrid.”
My stomach drops, and my head spins, and I grip the edge of the fountain, leaning forward and fighting the urge to retch.
“No.” It’s barely a word, just a guttural refusal.
Dad’s eyebrows raise. “Johan?—”
“No, Dad, listen to me.” I stand straight again, shaking my head. “Hannah is not some fling. She's not a phase, and there's no way in hell I’m walking away from her.”
I feel his hand on my shoulder, squeezing. “What if I told you that being with her would cost us everything?”
My racing thoughts screech to a halt, and I stand up straighter, my spine stiff. Dad’s hand drops away. “What did you say?”
“If you stay with Hannah, we’ll lose everything. The company, all the family properties...everything, Johan.”
If he was anyone besides my father, I’d spin around and grab him by the lapels, demanding an explanation. But this is my old man…my dad, who has always been my biggest supporter. I love my parents. The initial spark of violence simmers down, and when I turn to face him, all that is left is dread. “That is nonsense, Dad. Explain.”
He paces as he talks, a habit that I’ve picked up. It usually means whatever he’s about to say is going to be heavy. “This isn't easy to admit, and I’d hoped to have it all under control before you ever got wind of it, but...for the last few years, the family business hasn't been doing well. Investments have fallen through, and opportunities have folded. It was looking so abysmal that, at one point, I was considering selling the family estate to get us out of the hole. But then, someone I'd worked with in the past offered me a lifeline—a loan that would pull us out of debt and set us on the right path again. It was..ah. It was Ludovic—Astrid's father.”
I’m reeling. “Dad...why didn't you tell me?”
“Because it was my job to take care of it,” he snaps but exhales slowly once more, regaining control. “Let me finish, Johan. Please. He lent me the money, and it pulled us back to the surface once more. I anticipated that we'd have made enough to pay off the loan by now, but...we haven’t. It’s taking much longerthan expected, and we still aren't turning a profit. We're barely staying afloat as is. I know if we have just a few more years, we'll be back on top once more, and this won’t be an issue, but I’m months past the agreed-upon date to have paid Astrid's father back. He could take me to court and take everything...but once again, he gave me a lifeline. This time, it's you who can save us.”
“Me?” I look at him, my eyes widening.
“Ludovic told me once you and Astrid have married, we'll all be family, and the loan will be forgiven.”
“Christ, Dad!” My fist clenches, and I fight the urge to punch something. “And what, you'd rather I sacrifice my happiness than figure it out? Why would he even offer that to you, anyway? How did you not see this coming?”
“So what if I did!” Dad scoffs. “At the time, you and Astrid were content. All signs pointed to an engagement soon. No one could have anticipated the wrench in the gears that is Hannah van den Bosch.”