Page 13 of Grateful Hearts
“Yeah. Though I’m sure the drugs are helping. But she’s in a panic because she is the only one who cooks Thanksgiving dinner.”
“I see,” she said, a knowing smile tugging the corners of her lips. “You are hoping I say yes so I can save your family’s Thanksgiving.” She lifted her coffee cup to her lips and smiled over the rim.
God, he could get lost in her eyes.
He chuckled. “Alright, I may have mentioned that you liked to cook.”
She quirked her eyebrow, and it made him laugh.
“Okay, I might have also mentioned that you were a chef.”
“My mom actually knew who you were.”
“She does?” Chantel asked, looking surprised.
“My mom is a huge foodie fan. She and my dad took a trip to Boston two years ago, and one of the nights, they had dinner at your restaurant, and she had the opportunity to meet you.”
Zach watched as Chantel appeared to be deep in thought.
“Hang on a minute,” she told him and started playing with her phone. After finding whatever it was that she was looking for, she smiled and then turned the phone around so he could see it.
Zach’s eyebrows shot upward when he saw the picture on her phone of Chantel posing with his mom and dad. They were all sitting around a table, obviously in the restaurant where she worked.
“I’m guessing from the look on your face that these are your parents.”
Zach nodded, his mouth agape. “That is them.” He looked at the picture again and then at Chantel, shaking his head in disbelief. “This is crazy.”
She nodded in agreement, “Definitely a small world.”
“So, you remembered them?”
“I do. They were so cute, especially your mom. It was the first time that a patron wanted to meet me.”
“Seriously? I thought foodie people always wanted to meet chefs.”
“In most places, that’s accurate. But in my case, my ex-fiancé played interference and wouldn’t let me out of the kitchen, telling customersthat I’d love to meet them; however, I was too busy at that moment.”
“Possessive much?” Zach mumbled, but judging from the amused expression on her face, she must have heard him.
“You’re not wrong. I just didn’t realize it until one of the hostesses told me.
“How did my parents manage to meet you then?”
She grinned. “Because I just happened to be coming back from the restroom when I heard her say my name. So, out of curiosity, I walked over and introduced myself. I remember vividly how surprised she was.”
“Knowing how excited she can be when she meets someone, I hope she didn’t embarrass herself.”
Chantel laughed. “Not at all. She was very sweet. So was your dad.”
Zach snorted a laugh.
“You are using my dad and sweet in the same sentence.”
“Well, he was. I could tell that your parents were very in love. It’s nice to see that.”