Page 26 of Grateful Hearts
Immediately, she was smacked in the face with a wave of heat that hit her like a sauna blast.
Chantel froze as she blinked in confusion. Her sleepy brain struggled to process the steamy assault.
The sound of dripping water caught her attention. Squinting through the steam, her gaze landed on the glass shower doors.
Her breath caught as a figure moved behind the glass doors. Chantel blinked once, twice, and her brain scrambled to catch up.
There was Zach—all six feet plus of him standing in the shower, with his back turned toward her.
Her eyes darted to the middle section of the glass, which, thank goodness, was frosted, covering his important parts. Therest of the glass gave her a perfect view of his perfectly toned back and broad shoulders. His shoulders flexed as he ran a hand through his wet hair. Water trickled down the curve of his spine, drawing her attention whether she liked it or not.
Her inner voice screamed at her to look away, but her eyes refused to move.
Oh no! Abort mission, Chantel!
Just as she began convincing herself to back out of the room and pretend she didn’t see anything, Zach turned around. If she thought the view from the back was amazing, the front was breathtaking. His damp hair was tousled as water dripped down his defined chest.
They locked eyes.
“Chantel?” His startled voice snapped her out of her trance.
She squeaked. It was a sound she didn’t even know she could make. “I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t know you were in here!”
Zach blinked in surprise, then he smirked. “Clearly.”
“I thought everyone was still asleep!” she blurted out. Her face was blazing red. “I came in here to get ready so I could surprise you and your family with breakfast.” She held up her clothes and toiletry bag like it was proof she wasn’t some kind of pervert. “Don’t you have a bathroom in your room,” she asked, sounding flustered.
He smirked again. He was clearly enjoying this way too much. “I do, but the shower is broken.”
“Why didn’t you lock the door?”
“Because I didn’t think anyone would barge in on me,” he teased. His voice was laced with amusement.
“Well, I thought I was the only one awake!” she shot back. She realized she was still staring at his face and trying very hard not to let her gaze drift lower. “For heaven’s sake, can you please cover yourself?” She groaned, hiding her face behind her hands. “This is so embarrassing.”
At that, Zach grinned even wider, grabbed the towel hanging nearby, and slung it low around his waist as he stepped out of the shower. He looked her up and down.
“Nice T-shirt, by the way.”
Chantel blinked, looking down at the green oversized shirt.Oh shit!Last night, when she was getting ready for bed, she debated wearing her own T-shirt since it was just her in bed. But then her eyes found Zach’s shirt still sitting on the bed where she had left it. It was too tempting.
Zach couldn’t help the laugh bubbling in his chest as he looked at Chantel. Her face was beet red, her hair was slightly mussed from sleep, and she was wearing his T-shirt.
She wasn’t just embarrassed. She was flustered.
He crossed his arms, leaning casually against the counter. “You know,” he started, his voice teasing, “if you wanted to see me naked, you could’ve just asked.”
Chantel’s jaw dropped, and her face somehow turned an even deeper shade of red. “I did not—that’s not—ugh! You’re impossible!”
He chuckled, reaching for another towel to dry his hair. “And you’re cute when you’re embarrassed. And I have to say, the shirt looks better on you than me.” He was being honest. She looked damn good wearing his clothes.
Her eyes widened as she glanced down at the shirt. “I didn’t have anything else to wear!” she protested. However, he thought he saw a bit of amusement in her eyes.
He grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you off the hook for stealing my shirt—this time,” he joked as he finished drying his hair.
He noticed how she was now avoiding looking at him. Her focus was glued to the clothes she was holding in her hands.