Page 29 of Grateful Hearts
Bear scowled, looking at his siblings, but it was no use as everyone was laughing.
“Well,” Bear began, holding up a finger like he was about to launch into a scientific explanation. “When you’ve got two small, curious kids who think knocking is optional, you have to get creative. This pantry is soundproof—kind of.”
Jocelyn elbowed him. “Bear!”
“What?” Bear said, throwing his hands up. “I’m just saying, sometimes a man’s gotta make use of available resources!”
Chantel couldn’t hold back anymore. A snort escaped before she dissolved into giggles, and Jocelyn shot her a look that was half mortified, half amused.
“This is all his fault,” Jocelyn muttered, glaring at Bear.
“You weren’t complaining a few minutes ago,” Bear replied, grinning at his wife.
Jocelyn’s mouth dropped open, again causing everyone to laugh.
“Okay, okay,” Zach said, holding up his hands to calm everyone down. “We get it. Desperate times call for desperate measures.” He clapped Bear on the shoulder. “But seriously, the pantry? Next time, try a normal closet or something, maybe with less food involved.”
Jocelyn groaned, covering her face with both hands as she did the walk of shame out of the pantry. “We’re never living this down.”
“Absolutely not,” Ethan joked. “I can’t wait until Mom and Dad hear about this.”
“Don’t you dare,” Bear warned, but from the mischievous smile Ethan flashed him, Chantel didn’t doubt that their parents would know what happened within the next five minutes.
Suddenly, Ethan took off running toward the stairs, and Bear ran after him, yelling at him.
Chantel wiped tears of laughter from her eyes and glanced at Zach, who looked like he was having the time of his life.
“Well,” she said, finally catching her breath, “at least breakfast won’t be boring.”
Zach grinned, leaning closer to her. “With this family? It never is.”
“What smells so good?” Clover asked.
“That would be breakfast that Chantel made for everyone,” Zach stated and winked at Chantel.
“Hey, you helped,” she said, smiling back at him.
“You made breakfast?” Clover asked, looking surprised.
“I did. I can’t thank you guys enough for welcoming me into your home. So consider this my way of thanks.”
“You didn’t have to do that. We already love having you here. But I won’t complain about breakfast. Joker and I will set the table.”
Chantel walked back over to the stove and started to dish out all the food into serving dishes.
She felt Zach’s presence behind her, and when she turned around, he smirked and leaned down just close enough to make her heart stutter.
“We’ll have to finish what almost happened later,” he murmured, referring to their almost kiss. The promise in his voice was enough to make her knees wobble.
Before she could respond, Jenelle’s voice rang out, “You were having sex in my pantry?”
Chantel shook her head and started laughing as the rest of the family walked into the kitchen.
Zach chuckled. “Poor Bear is never going to live this down,” he said, helping Chantel carry the food to the table.
As Chantel began to walk, she couldn’t stop herself from glancing back at him—and catching his eyes on her, too. He winked and gave her a lust-filled look that told her that he meant what he said about finishing what they had started.
Yep, she was in serious trouble.