Page 101 of A Trial of Fate
“Always with the questions.” Daxton shook his head, trying to hide a half-smile at the corner of his mouth.
“A labyrinth is a deadly task that not only challenges your mind with all the twists and turns but challenges you physically as well. Labyrinths have a single continuous path that leads to the center, and as long as you keep going forward, you eventually will reach theend… if nothing kills you in the process.Only the shifter champion can enter this trial, so we have no idea what to expect inside. Only that you should expect the unexpected,” Castor explained.
“I will help you in any way I can, Spitfire.” Daxton delicately placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I watched as Magnus and the others took notice of his familiarity with me, but I chose to ignore their glances and focus solely on Dax. “I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it.”
I nodded. “I trust you will.” We stared at each other, and for a moment, I forgot about the seven other people gathered around the table with us.
“I believe this is the opposite of what you intended to focus on this evening, however,” Daxton said, looking around at my family and friends. “I know I ask too much, but trust me when I tell you I will do everything in my power to ensure Skylar passes each and every trial. And that she will return home to you all.”
Magnus cleared his throat, drawing all our attention to him. “You both risked your lives to save Sky from the hunters. I have never seen such lethal skill in combat paired with deductive and tactical intelligence. You have already proved to me that you will look out for her. If Sky trusts you, then that is enough for me.”
“And me,” Julia added.
“You tore those hunters to shreds,” Talon added. “If you can do that, I don’t believe there’s much you can’t do. And that includes teaching Skylar something new.” Rhea nodded in agreement with her mate.
Shaw cleared his throat to speak next. “I was with your scouting party from the start, and I still don’t know how, but you managed to find Skylar when no one else could. Clearly, she is important to you both for her role in these trials, but understand that Sky is one of my closest friends and…” He paused, looking at me the only way a true friend could. “And I believe she is the strongest person I know.”Dammit, Shaw. I already had my one cry allotted for the evening.“I would follow her bravery anywhere. If she trusts you, then I do as well.”
I glanced around, not at my friends but at myfamily. Their confidence in me gave me a flood of strength that I knew would help carry me through these trials.
“All right, now that we all have stuffed ourselves with Sky’s delicious food and had that sentimental moment… let’s have some fun and set up the rest of the party for the pack,” Julia announced.
“I’ll set up the bag toss.” Talon jumped from his seat to organize some of the games we loved as kids.
“Just a second, love.” Rhea reached down below the table and retrieved nine small glasses, filled to the brim with a strong-smelling clear liquid. “A final cheers, just us. To commemorate the night.”
My stomach turned. “What’s in there?”
“It’s best if you don’t ask questions you really don’t want the answers to right now, Sky. And just let the night take you where it will.” Shit. This was her own special brew of moonshine.
“Magnus?” I turned to him.
He laughed and grabbed one of the glasses. “I expect you to do it if I am.”
“This is my one… and only,” she said, eyeing the clear liquid with a dreadful expression.
“Come on,” Shaw said to Neera as he reached for his own. “It won’t bite that much. I promise.”
Castor already had his own in his hand as Daxton grabbed one for himself and me. “What do we cheer to?” I asked awkwardly.
“To you… you idiot.” Rhea rolled her eyes. “To Skylar!” she yelled as she held her glass high in the center of the table.
“To Skylar,” everyone echoed.
The glasses clinked, and we each swallowed our drinks in one quick gulp.
“That was amazing!” Castor exclaimed.
I barely kept mine down as I reached for a cup of water on the table. I was glad I wasn’t the only one to do so, with Shaw and Talon following my lead. To my surprise, both Julia and Magnus took theirs like champs, hardly flinching as they drained their glasses.
“What kind of trouble did you two get into before having me and Neera?” I asked my aunt and uncle.
“That is not a story to tell tonight.” Julia laughed as she leaned into Magnus, who kissed her forehead.
“All right… Castor.” Talon stood up and pointed to the silver fae. “You’re on my team. I have seen how good you are at throwing knives. This game will be a piece of cake for you, and I am pickingyouas my partner.”
“Not fair.” Neera pouted.