Page 103 of A Trial of Fate
Collapsing onto my knees, I fell forward, trying to catch my breath.
I was alone with no one else around, so I figured this was a loophole for my one and only breakdown for the night. So, I wept. I cried and wrapped my arms around myself as tears streaked down my face. I looked up to the moon, the Father, sending a prayer for strength and guidance. And then, I prayed to the sleeping Mother for her comfort and warmth.
With long, deep breaths, I braced my hands on my knees and stood in the clearing. “No more,” I announced to no one and everyone. “I am Skylar Cathal of the Solace Shifter Pack. I am strongenough to face this challenge and stubborn enough not to lose. I promise, Valdor… I will free you. I swear I will give all that I am to unleash the Heart of Valdor and heal our world.”
I reached for the knife I had strapped on my upper leg and sliced my hand. Blood flowed from my palm, dripping onto the stained earth below my feet. This task was not just for my people, the fae, or humans… It was for our entire world. A breeze flew toward me, encircling my body and twirling my dress and my hair up into the air. The birds of the night sang a tune as the trees seemed to sway.
My offering was accepted. Valdor was pleased.
“A promise sworn in blood… freely given and sworn with purity in your words and heart. A vow like that is near unbreakable.” I knew that voice.
“What do you want?” I barked as I kept my back toward him. I didn’t know if I would be able to control the rage inside me if I turned to look at him.
“Will you turn around so I’m not having a conversation with your backside, Sky?”
“I don’t know if you deserve more than that,” I answered, crossing my arms at my chest.
“You’re right.” Well, that reply caught me off guard. “Please, Sky… Just look at me.” There was sorrow and regret in his words, which pulled at my heartstrings, which I once thought belonged to him. A breeze kicked his scent toward me, and I could tell he came here by himself. We were alone together in this clearing—just the two of us.
Reluctantly, I half turned toward him, cocking my hip out and giving him a pitiful, disdained look. “Why are you out here, Gilen?”
“Why are you?” Gilen countered as he stepped closer, his dark pants and tunic blending into the trees that surrounded him.
I took a step back, and it made him pause. “I needed some space,alone.”
“Even though the party I was askednotto attend… is all for you?”
I made a mental note to thank Talon for obviously informing Gilen that I didn’t want to see him tonight.
“What do you want?” I was cold and indifferent, and I didn’t want him here.
“I was on patrol when I heard someone running. I came to investigate, and to my surprise, it was the female of the hour. Alone and crying. Why were you crying, Sky?”
“I was having a private moment,alone.”
“Were you regretting your decision?” The spark of hope in his voice made my skin crawl. Would he ever stop with this?
“No, Gilen. I am leaving,” I snapped. “Stop trying to force this and keep me locked away on your mantel like a prized possession. I refuse your claim and any other feelings you pretended to have for me.”
“Feelings that I…pretended?” Gilen growled and grunted in frustration. Fisting his hair in his hands and pacing along the invisible divide between us. I could sense his magic curling around him. His roc was right near the surface, ready to leap into action and shift. “Gods, Mother and Father, help me get through to this female,” he roared as he stopped and stared at me.
I held out my hand to halt his advance, but he disregarded my warning and lunged forward to grab it, pulling me in close to his chest.
“Gilen, stop,” I yelled. “I don’t want—”
“I am in love with you, Skylar!” Gilen didn’t move a muscle as he stared at me with his deep, somber, honey-colored eyes. Holy. Gods. What did he just say to me? I couldn’t believe it. “I didn’t say it before. I was a coward that night, and I thought you already knew. Wasn’t it obvious that I was in love with you? That I have been for a long time now?”
“How can I know something if you’ve never told me?” I countered, still trying to push him away. I didn’t care what he wanted to say to me. This felt… wrong. It was the only way to describe it. My animal was the driving force behind me denying his claim the night in the meadow… and now it was my turn.
“Stop fighting it, Sky. I love you. I know you love me too.”
“No, Gilen,” I roared, startling him. He released his grip on me enough so I could move away. “If you loved me… If what you are saying is true and not some lie to convince me to stay here, then you would let me go! You would support me in this decision.”
“Gods above, Skylar! You are meant to be my alpha female. You know that. Never before have our bloodlines been able to form a union like this. We will create a dynasty together… A strong pack that will no longer have to cower in fear of the humans or the High Fae. Don’t you want that?”
“The war is over. High Fae are not our enemies anymore, Gilen… and not all the humans are evil.”