Page 113 of A Trial of Fate
“Gilen is a talented painter.” The silence following my compliment overtook the room. Daxton didn’t leave, but I sensed him shift away from me, putting more than just space between us. He was uneasy when I mentioned Gilen, cautious even.
I untied the parchment and read the small bit of writing inside:
I am sorry I was scared and acted so foolish, Sky. Please be safe… you truly are the best of all of us. Yours Always, Gilen.
Well, that was not what I was expecting. Daxton didn’t look to read the parchment. Instead, he tried his best to interpret my reactions, carefully monitoring the smallest shifts or expressions for any indication of how I was feeling.
“I accept his apology.” Daxton tensed as I started speaking. The tension between us in this small room was so thick that you could slice it with a knife. “But it doesn’t change how I feel about him.”
“How do you feel about him, Skylar?” There was a change in Daxton’s tone that caught me by surprise. He always spoke so confidently, but this time, his voice wavered with uncertainty.
“I thought I truly loved Gilen, but we were never meant to be.” Gods, I finally admitted it—I even said it out loud. I thought for the longest time I had loved him, but after his betrayal and relentless attempts to force his claim on me… I realized it wasn’t love. It couldn’t be. Perhaps I was simply in love with the idea of him. “I will care for him as my friend, always, but I realize now that I never truly loved him. I couldn’t give my heart to someone who would seek to control me like that.” Daxton tilted his head my way, listening intently as I continued. “Before you and Castor even arrived… I felt like I was missing something. I was always daydreaming, wrapped up in the lives and places the characters in my books would get to travel and experience. I was wandering in my old life until…”
Here was my moment. I could jump off the cliff and hope there was someone there to catch me—even if I was terrified to take the leap. “I don’t know,” I mumbled, turning away from Daxton. “I… I guess I changed. Fate had a different path for me to find.”
“I see,” Dax answered again. Glancing back, I couldn’t readanything from his expression as he kept his gaze cast to the floor. “Did you change? Or did you simply become who you were always meant to be?”
My animal’s awareness piqued, and it surprised me to sense this staggering presence from her. “Fair question,” I answered. “I guess we will have to wait and see.” I stretched my arms out wide and accidentally brushed my fingers against his hand. The moment I touched Daxton’s skin, my animal seemed to sing a soft, quiet melody in my head. I immediately recoiled and jumped up from the bed.
Daxton didn’t move. “Everything all right?” He stared at his own hand before slowly looking up at me.
“Hmm? Oh, yes, I’m just hungry or something or tired. Probably both… I missed out on Julia’s breakfast because I was distracted by my goodbyes.”
“I’m beginning to wonder when you are not hungry,” he teased. “Well, you are in luck,” Daxton added as he pointed to my bag. “Take a look inside.
I scurried toward my bag near the door and hurried to loosen the top. “Oh Julia, you beautiful killer mountain kitty.” I smelled the buttery biscuits and fresh ham without even opening the wrapping. I took out a biscuit and opened it, placing a slice of cheese and meat inside. “Okay, you’ve got to have one.” I handed one to Daxton and made another one for myself. “Well?” I asked in between bites of deliciousness, waiting for his reaction.
“I have to say, this is delightful. Am I to assume that as long as I have your company, there will be more meals that rival the pasta dish and this breakfast?”
“I don’t come any other way. What can I say? I like to enjoy the food I eat.” Daxton almost choked on his breakfast and punched himself in the chest to get his bite down. “You, okay?”
“Yes, it’s nothing…” he coughed. “Just swallowed wrong, is all.”
“Uh-huh.” I didn’t buy it for a second. He was trying not to burst out laughing and almost choked on his breakfast. It was very un-high-princely of him, showing me a softer side to the terrifying Silver Shadow facade and letting me see the true Dax he was inside. “Friends… should not lie to each other,” I bantered.
“Friends.” Daxton’s soft smile of amusement made his hard features soften, making him even more handsome, if that was possible. “I hope you know I only have the best intentions for you, Spitfire.”
“I told you that you could call me Sky… Remember?”
“I know.” There it was again. That knee weakening saccharine grin I only saw when it was just the two of us. The one that could make my insides melt, even if I was frustrated or upset. “But I enjoy the nickname I have for you. And I’ll use Skylar when I really need to get your attention.”
“And your point is?” I could feel my animal spinning like a top inside me.
“There is a reason…” he answered in a sing-song voice that teased me with a secret. Seriously, ugh, was he ever going to give me a straight answer?
Suddenly, a rogue wave crashed against the ship and rocked me forward into the bed—directly on top of Daxton. I was utterly speechless as I sprawled on top of him. Daxton caught me from crashing into his face, his hands bracing my hips as my arm braced the wall next to us. I was just inches from his face, looking straight into his luminous gray eyes that drew me in like a moth to a flame. My animal pushed her power through me, and I knew my eyes were flashing an amber, fiery glow. I moved my knees to straddle Daxton’s waist, the weight of my body pressing up against his.
I shifted and placed my forearm on the bed next to his head, admiring how the beautiful streaks of black highlighted his hard yet comely features. I felt the soft touch of his hair on my fingertips as his pine scent flooded my senses, kindling a burning hunger in my center. His hands released their hold on my hips, and I held my breath, waiting to see what he would do.
He didn’t move to push me away. Daxton’s fingers slowly traced up the length of my torso, caressing me with his gentle touch that seemed to be reserved only for me. Goosebumps trickled over my skin as my nerves seemed to twitch like sparks of an open flame. His hooded eyes flickered with heat as my hips pressed against his. I couldn’t detect a change of his scent in the air, but I was beginning to feel a very convincing response building between my thighs. Daxton’s expression might have remained unchanged, but I could feel the tension intensifying between us. Feel the desire building… This was not a one-sided attraction.
Oh Gods. What the fuck was I doing?
I shook myself and quickly pushed backward off Dax, dismounting from his lap and trying my best to calm my flushed cheeks. “Um, thanks for catching me. I clearly don’t have my sea legs yet.” I rubbed the center of my chest, where I felt a strong thrummingpulse that matched my quickening breath. My limbs trembled as I waited for him to do or sayanything. My glazed-over eyes studied him intently as I waited in antagonizing silence. One… three… seven seconds… I never thought time could move this slowly.
Dax sat up and bent over onto his forearms. I didn’t know what he was doing, but he closed his eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. “I believe balance is a great place to start your training.”
“Perfect, sounds good,” I said all too quickly. Hell, I was so scattered I would probably have agreed to anything he said without even thinking about it.