Page 26 of Merry with Me
“Okay. Well, I’m going to finish up and head home if you don’t need me for anything else.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good night,” she says and turns out of my office.
I’m on my feet, stalking down the hall and through the connecting hallway to get to the hospital side of things. I’m not a lucky man, as my past has shown, so I know my chances of running into her are slim, but I still want to try. I can chart at home or, hell, just stick around. It’s not like I have anything or anyone at home waiting on me.
When I finally reach the administration office, the receptionist isn’t at her desk. That’s fine. I know where Sally’s office is. I’ve been there a few times. I don’t know exactly which office is Blakely’s, but I do know which is Hilary’s, and lucky for me, I have to walk right past it to get to where I’m going.
I peer into each office until I find Blakely. Leaning against her door frame, I watch as she concentrates on whatever she’s looking at on her computer. “Is that something for the gala?” I ask.
She jumps and places her hand over her heart. “Oli—Dr. Thompson,” she corrects herself. “You startled me.”
“I’m sorry.” I step into her office, needing to be closer to her. I don’t understand it. What makes her so different?
“What are—can I help you with something?” She sits up straighter in her chair.
“I came to see Sally about some credentialing. I saw you in here and thought I’d say hi.”
“You wanted to say hi?” She tilts her head to the side, and her hair falls over her shoulder. I can still feel the softness of the strands as I ran my fingers through them last night.
“Yep.” We both know this is out of character for me.
“Hi.” She waves, and her face blushes. She’s fucking adorable. Sexy and adorable. How is that possible?
“Working on the gala?” I ask again, so I don’t come off as more of a creeper than I already am.
“No, actually. This is for the Tree Lighting Ceremony the hospital has every year.”
“Right.” I nod. “When is that?”
“The first weekend in December.”
“You’re in charge of that too?”
She points to her chest. “Marketing.”
“I know that. I just assumed the gala was your main project.”
“No. Hilary has most of the gala items complete, at least the pressing items. I’m just the follow through on what she’s already lined up.”
“We’rethe follow through.”
She looks surprised, and I admit, even I’m a little shocked at the words that just came out of my mouth.
“You want nothing to do with the gala.”
But I want everything to do with you.That’s not true. I know this can’t go anywhere, but until this gala is over, I have an excuse to be around her, and I’m taking it. Even if that meansshe immerses me in all things Christmas. I have a feeling the torture will be worth it, on all counts.
I shrug. “It’s in my contract, right?”
“You want to help me?”
There’s hope in her voice, and once again, I’m reminded that I’m an asshole. I never used to be, but life sometimes has a way of hardening your heart. “It’s my job.”And I want to see you. But I’m keeping that part locked up tight.