Page 42 of Merry with Me
“Why’s that?”
“Baby, I’m pretty sure there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give you.”
Oh, holy night. This man. I can’t find words, so I ignore his and hit Play on the remote. Oliver stands and turns off the lights. Just a dim glow of the light over the stove from the open-plankitchen and the light from the massive TV we’re watching fills the room.
It’s difficult to focus on the movie, but that’s okay. It’s one I’ve seen before. Instead, I kick off my shoes, fold my feet underneath me, and curl myself in a ball. I’d really love a blanket to snuggle with about now.
“Are you cold?” Oliver asks, his voice soft.
“No. I just like to snuggle while I’m watching movies. Especially Christmas movies.”
“Who do you usually snuggle with?” His tone is a little harder than before.
“My blanket.”
“Oh. I’ll have to do.” He puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. My hand and head end up resting on his bare chest. “Is this okay?” he asks.
“Perfect.” I’m not just blowing smoke up his ass. The moment is perfect. The man is too, and you already know where I stand on the Christmas movie. It’s so perfect I end up falling asleep. I wake to a dark house. The TV is off, but there is still that soft glow from the kitchen.
“Go back to sleep.”
I freeze and take stock of my current situation.
I’m in Oliver’s house. I recognize that.
I’m lying on his couch.
He has his arms wrapped around me.
“I should go home.”
“It’s late. Go back to sleep.”
“I can’t stay here.” My plea is halfhearted at best.
“Why?” He doesn’t release his hold on me.
“I just can’t.”Because I think I’m falling for you, and sleeping in your arms is only going to make those feelings grow.
“I texted your roommate. I found your phone and told her you wouldn’t be home. She’s not coming home either.”
“Oliver!” I scold, but to be honest, that was sweet of him. However, he still should have just woke me up so I could drive home.
“It’s late, Blake. Just sleep.” He pulls me a little tighter into his chest.
I close my eyes and relax into his hold. It’s surprisingly easy to do considering I’ve never spent the night with a man. Not one I felt this way about. You know, one responsible for all the tingling between my thighs. I decide not to dwell on it. We’re just sleeping. Sure, he’s holding me as if his life depends on it, but he’s warm and safe, and at some point he found us a blanket. That’s my last thought as I drift off back to sleep.
I’ve been awake for hours. To be honest, I’m not sure I even slept. Not because I wasn’t comfortable, but because I couldn’t shut my mind off. I should have let her go home. It would have been easy to wake her, but I couldn’t do it. I wanted this chance to hold her while she slept. It’s been four long years since I’ve had any kind of intimacy with a woman, and this woman in particular makes it hard for me to not break that streak.
I don’t know how she’s going to react once she wakes up, but even if she’s pissed and rushes out of here like her ass is on fire, I don’t regret it. I’ve tossed this around in my mind repeatedly, and for the life of me, I don’t know why she’s different. All I can say for certain is that she is. I think about her constantly, and if she would have insisted on going home last night, I would have driven her myself. I feel protective of her. Maybe it’s our age difference. She’s ten years younger than me, but it’s an age gap that I don’t notice. All I see is this beautiful woman who is full of life and alluring.
She starts to stir and stretches, which pushes her ass into my cock. She laughs and looks over her shoulder. “Morning,” she says, her voice laced with sleep.