Page 83 of Merry with Me
“If you each have two, that gives me six grandbabies. I think I’m okay with that,” my mom replies.
“Six is a good number,” Dad agrees.
“That’s it? You’re supposed to scare him and see what happens. See if he’s man enough to stick around after,” Beckham scolds my dad.
“I don’t need to.”
“What? Dad, we have to make sure this guy has good intentions.”
I open my mouth to yell at my brother, but my dad beats me to it.
“Look at him, Beck. Look at how he watches her, how he’s holding her hand. Who does that remind you of?”
“You and Mom,” Brooklyn answers.
“You’re right, sweetheart,” Dad answers. “And just like I’ve always told you, don’t settle for a man who doesn’t look at you like you’re his entire world.” Dad turns his attention to Oliver. “Take care of my little girl. If there ever comes a time that you don’t, I have eight brothers, a brother-in-law, and a shit ton of nephews that you don’t want to fuck with.”
“Hey, what about me?” Mom asks, laughing.
“The wives.” Dad shudders. “They’d get their stab at you next, and trust me, you don’t want to be on their bad side.”
“Does it help that I have arm porn?” Oliver asks, breaking the tension. My parents burst out laughing. My brother tries to act like it wasn’t funny, but I see his lips twitching, and Brooklyn just rolls her eyes. She doesn’t get it, but one day she will.
“It definitely helps,” Mom tells him, wiping the tears from her eyes. “So, how did it happen?”
I look over at Oliver. “I asked him to be merry with me.”
“Every day, baby,” he says, leaning over and giving me a chaste kiss.
“Dad! He’s kissing her,” Beckham accuses.
“Son, don’t act all innocent. I saw you kissing Tara last night when you walked her to her door.”
“You weren’t supposed to be watching.”
“Turn your head,” Oliver tells him. “I won’t not kiss her in front of any of you. I respect you all, but I love her, and I will never go a single day not showing her how much.”
“That”—Dad points at Oliver—“is a man worthy of my daughter.” He stands and walks over to us and shakes Oliver’s hand. “Now, are you ready to go through all of this again, only a million times worse? You’ve met my brothers and my brother-in-law, but the ladies of the family, my parents, and all of Blake’s cousins will be there.”
“For her, I’d do it every damn day.”
“Awe.” Mom smiles. “Welcome to the family, Oliver.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Oliver nods, letting her know he heard her.
“We should head over,” Dad says.
We all stand and help Mom and Dad carry everything to their SUV before getting into Oliver’s and heading toward Kincaid Central. So far today has been amazing. Lunch with his parents was great. They welcomed me with open arms, and my family, well, my parents and siblings took our relationship better than I anticipated. This is turning out to be the best Christmas ever.
“Are you sure you’re ready to be merry with me?” I ask him. “We can be a wild bunch.”
“Forever, baby.”
I’ve never in my life felt more loved or cherished, and that’s saying something with the family I grew up with.